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You Are on Indian Land

1969 36 min
Dernière chance

Released in 1969, this short documentary was one of the most influential and widely distributed productions made by the Indian Film Crew (IFC), the first all-Indigenous unit at the NFB. It documents a 1969 protest by the Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) of Akwesasne, a territory that straddles the Canada–U.S. border. When Canadian authorities prohibited the duty-free cross-border passage of personal purchases—a right established by the Jay Treaty of 1794—Kanien’kéhaka protesters blocked the international bridge between Ontario and New York State. Director Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell later became Grand Chief of Akwesasne. The film was formally credited to him in 2017. You Are on …

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Cette œuvre contient des scènes de violence. Pour public averti.
You Are on Indian Land


Released in 1969, this short documentary was one of the most influential and widely distributed productions made by the Indian Film Crew (IFC), the first all-Indigenous unit at the NFB. It documents a 1969 protest by the Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) of Akwesasne, a territory that straddles the Canada–U.S. border. When Canadian authorities prohibited the duty-free cross-border passage of personal purchases—a right established by the Jay Treaty of 1794—Kanien’kéhaka protesters blocked the international bridge between Ontario and New York State. Director Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell later became Grand Chief of Akwesasne. The film was formally credited to him in 2017. You Are on Indian Land screened extensively across the continent, helping to mobilize a new wave of Indigenous activism. It notably was shown at the 1970 occupation of Alcatraz.
Cette œuvre contient des scènes de violence. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell
  • directeur des lieux de tournage
    Mort Ransen
  • producteur
    George C. Stoney
  • photographie
    Tony Ianzelo
  • son
    Hans Oomes
  • montage
    Kathleen Shannon
  • None
    Noel StarBlanket
  • ré-enregistrement
    George Croll
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • participation
    Kahn Tineta Horn
    Ernest Benedict
    Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell

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Âge 13 à 17 ans
Étudiez le traité de Jay Study conclu en 1794, dont il est question dans le film. Pensez-vous que le gouvernement devrait le respecter? Discernez les raisons de la manifestation de Saint-Régis; évaluez son efficacité. Faites état des actes posés par les Mohawks avant la manifestation – pourquoi les Mohawks n’ont-ils pas obtenu gain de cause? Définissez le terme désobéissance civile; citez d’autres exemples de son usage. Quand et pourquoi les citoyens et citoyennes sont-ils justifiés d’agir de la sorte? Dressez une liste d’autres moyens légaux d’affirmer ses droits.
You Are on Indian Land
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