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We Were Children

2012 1 h 22 min
Dernière chance

Warning: this film contains disturbing content and is recommended for audiences 16 years of age and older. Parental discretion, and/or watching this film within a group setting, is strongly advised. If you need counselling support, please contact Health Canada. In this feature film, the profound impact of the Canadian government’s residential school system is conveyed through the eyes of two children who were forced to face hardships beyond their years. As young children, Lyna and Glen were taken from their homes and placed in church-run boarding schools, where they suffered years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, the effects of …

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Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
We Were Children


Warning: this film contains disturbing content and is recommended for audiences 16 years of age and older. Parental discretion, and/or watching this film within a group setting, is strongly advised. If you need counselling support, please contact Health Canada.

In this feature film, the profound impact of the Canadian government’s residential school system is conveyed through the eyes of two children who were forced to face hardships beyond their years. As young children, Lyna and Glen were taken from their homes and placed in church-run boarding schools, where they suffered years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, the effects of which persist in their adult lives. We Were Children gives voice to a national tragedy and demonstrates the incredible resilience of the human spirit.
Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Tim Wolochatiuk
  • écriture
    Jason Sherman
  • producteur
    Kyle Irving
    David Christensen
  • producteur exécutif
    Lisa Meeches
    Laszlo Barna
    David Christensen
    Kyle Irving
    Loren Mawhinney
  • producteur associé
    Jessica Lo
  • directeur de la photographie
    Jeremy Benning
    Kim Bell
  • conception visuelle
    Gordon Wilding
  • None
    Richard Duffy
    Colin Mousseau
    Riel Munro
    Ashley Hirt
    Khali Weanus
    Megan Basaraba
    Megan Heke
    Kate Godley
    Bryan R. Burns
    Dustin Courchene
    Aaron Mallin
    Caley Gibson
    Marcus James
    Jason Vieira
    Paul Suderman
    Casey Harrison
    Allan McGowan
    Crystal Biloski
    Sloane Brook
    Alisha Talbot
    Brenda Magalas
    Nina Kvaternik
    Pina Robinson
    Ashley Burdett
    Brenda Rocchio
    Catharina Saites
    Tim Morgan
    Kyle Phillip Kok Sching Wong
    Brent Letain
    Michael Madill
    Ted Hnatishin
    Zeke Preston
    Stan Mak
    Dino Schiavone
    Bill Mills
    Jonathan Kennedy
    John Clarke
    Jeremy Milmine
    Nicholas Phillips
    Marvin Klein
    Colleen Wowchuk
    Chris Deckko
    Cindy Harrison
    Calvin Pochinko
    Dale Bracken
    Pat Martin
    Lois H. Brothers
    Léo Dufault
    Sheila North-Wilson
    Virginia Thomas
    Louis Young
    Timothy D. Vincent
    Curtis Riddell
    Daniel Pellerin
    Ben Wytinck
    Dan Cherkas
    Rob Hutchins
    Jeremy MacLaverty
    John Sievert
    Randy Wilson
    Audrey North
    Gilbert North
    Sadie North
    John Schritt
    Agatha Komakisatiksak
    Jimmy Hunter
    Percy Ballantyne
    Tobasonakwut Kinew
    Jacquie Fletcher
    Martin Tylee
    Sam Copenace
    Virginia George
    Rob Thomson
    Angie Lindsay
    Faye Yoneda
    Ginette D'Silva
    Monique Perron
  • monteur
    John Whitcher
  • compositeur de la musique
    Shawn Pierce
  • concepteur du son
    Daniel Pellerin
  • interprète
    Lyna Hart
    Glen Anaquod
    Alicia Hamelin
    Jade Hamelin
    Jennie Morin
    Rebecca Gibson
    Ross McMillan
    René Batson
    Bruin Montour
    Justin Ducharme
    Dustin Courchene
    Tyrone Brooks
    Rachel Seenie
    Glenn Cochrane
    Fawnda Neckoway
    Maggie Nagle
    Shawney Moar
    Kohl Bohemier
    Tasha Weight
    Robert Kostyra
    John B. Lowe
    Curtis Moore
    Jon Ted Wynne
    Kayla Contois-Moar
    Kristen Harris
    Carlos Swampy
    Daina Leitold
    Jeff Skinner
    Jenelle McPherson
    Rivers Thomas
    Darcy Fehr
    Lois H. Brothers
    Ashley Hirt
    Darren M. Felbel
    Ramsey Bruce
    Alice Dano
  • gérant de production
    Danielle Dumesnil
  • recherchiste
    Vanessa Hill
    Sam Vint
    Tobias Duggan
  • assistante à la coordination de production
    Reed Makayev
    Karen Stermscheg
    Caitlin Brown
  • comptable de production
    Paul Zonneveld
  • conseiller juridique
    Paul Popeski
    John Robinson
  • opérateur - caméra A
    Kim Bell
    Jeremy Benning
    Paul Suderman
  • 1er assistant - caméra A
    Casey Harrison
    Marcus James
  • stagiaire à la caméra
    Michael Cabral
    Devon Unrau
  • opérateur de Steadicam
    Jason Vieira
  • technicien en imagerie numérique
    Ryan McGregor
  • photographe - studio
    Rebecca Sandulak
  • décorateur
    Scott Rossell
  • préparation des décors
    Grant MacDonald
    Laura Souter
    Lindsey Bart
    Matthew Holm
    Scott Hopper
    Ryan Sandford
  • conception des costumes
    Jody Chalmers
    Katelynd Johnston
    Patti Henderson
  • assistant costumier
    Brenlee Coates
    Wanda Farian
  • régisseur
    Neal Baksh
    G. Thom Arnold
    Carmen Lethbridge
  • assistant de production aux extérieurs
    Andrew Harrison
    Ian MacPherson
  • coordination de la construction
    Edward Preston
  • peintre scénique
    Paul Zacharias
    Richard Duncan Lenna
  • perchiste
    Dallas Pomedli
  • best boy machiniste
    Christophe Nachtigall
  • opérateur de dolly
    Roger Wiebe
    Terence Fuller
    Rob Thomson
  • machiniste de plateau
    Conroy Finnigan
    Wes Grycki
  • groupiste
    Lorne Bailey
    Mark Motoch
  • contribution à l'écriture
    Connie Wachsmann
  • direction du casting
    Shelly Anthis
  • coordonnateur des cascades
    Rick Skene
  • cascadeur
    Daniel Skene
  • chef cuisinier
    Corby Pearce
  • premiers soins
    Cindy Harrison
  • coordonnateur des véhicules de tournage
    James Alexander
  • coordonnateur des véhicules
    James Alexander
    Jean-Marc Prairie
  • chauffeur
    Greg Marlow
    Dale Bracken
    Jean-Marc Prairie
    Marty Churko
    Doug Arsenault
  • coaching d'acteurs
    Rebecca Gibson
  • supervision de la postproduction
    Julie Arnal
    Jessica Lo
  • coloration
    Tony Wytinck
  • monteur en ligne
    Andrew Shire
  • assistant monteur
    Javier Sinisterra
  • effets visuels
    Brad Hoplock
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Howard Rissin
  • sous-titres pour malentendants
    Patricia Garry
  • traduction française
    Carole Freynet-Gagné
  • services juridiques
    Diana Cafazzo
  • location d'équipement
    William F. White
  • assistance à la caméra
    Matt Schween
  • best boy électricien
    Ryan Beresford
  • maquilleur
    Angie Lindsay
  • preneur de son
    Anita Lubosh
  • directeur général
    Cindy Witten
  • agent, marketing
    Leslie Stafford
  • superviseur de production
    Mark Power
  • administrateur de centre
    Darin Clausen
    Cyndi Forcand


Les évaluations professionnelles et les guides pédagogiques pour cette œuvre sont réservés aux abonnés CAMPUS.


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