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We Can't Make the Same Mistake Twice

2016 2 h 42 min
Dernière chance

The rights of First Nations children take centre stage in this monumental documentary. Following a historic court case filed by the Assembly of First Nations and the Child and Family Caring Society of Canada against the federal government, Alanis Obomsawin exposes generations of injustices endured by First Nations children living on reserves and their families. Through passionate testimony and unwavering conviction, frontline childcare workers and experts including Cindy Blackstock take part in a decade-long court battle to ensure these children receive the same level of care as other Canadian children. Their case against Canada is a stark reminder of the …

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We Can't Make the Same Mistake Twice


The rights of First Nations children take centre stage in this monumental documentary. Following a historic court case filed by the Assembly of First Nations and the Child and Family Caring Society of Canada against the federal government, Alanis Obomsawin exposes generations of injustices endured by First Nations children living on reserves and their families. Through passionate testimony and unwavering conviction, frontline childcare workers and experts including Cindy Blackstock take part in a decade-long court battle to ensure these children receive the same level of care as other Canadian children. Their case against Canada is a stark reminder of the disparities that persist in First Nations communities and the urgent need for justice to be served.
  • réalisateur
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • écriture
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • monteur
    Alison Burns
  • caméra
    René Sioui Labelle
    Philippe Amiguet
    Germán Gutiérrez
    Maarten Kroonenburg
  • prise de son
    Glenn Hodginns
    Thierry Morlass-Lurbe
    Marco Fania
    Yann Cleary
    Kim Nguyen
  • musique originale
    Michel Dubeau
    Lauren Bélec
  • musicien
    Michel Dubeau
    Lauren Bélec
    Normand Guilbeault
  • musique additionnelle
    Dominique Tremblay
  • chanson - écriture
    Ruth Moody
  • chanson - composition
    Frankie Dubois
  • narration
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • enregistrement de la musique
    Geoffrey Mitchell
    Luc Léger
  • enregistrement voix
    Geoffrey Mitchell
    Luc Léger
  • montage son
    Don Ayer
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Lise Wedlock
  • recherche
    Alanis Obomsawin
    Katherine Kasirer
  • obtention des droits
    Elizabeth Klinck
  • en-ligne
    Denis Pilon
  • réalisation graphique
    Mélanie Bouchard
    Jacques-Bertrand Simard
  • titres
    Mélanie Bouchard
    Jacques-Bertrand Simard
  • technicien montage numérique
    Pierre Dupont
    Isabelle Painchaud
    Patrick Trahan
  • animation
    Élise Simard
    Brigitte Archambault
  • coordonnateur technique
    Jean-François Laprise
    Daniel Lord
  • None
    Steve Hallé
  • coordonnateur technique - équipement de tournage
    Steve Hallé
  • agent, marketing
    François Jacques
  • coordonnateur du marketing
    Jolène Lessard
  • agent de publicité
    Pat Dillon
  • conseiller juridique
    Dominique Aubry
  • assistant de production
    Mylène Augustin
    John Leo Woolsey
  • coordonnateur de production
    Christine Williams
  • coordonnateur principal de production
    Camila Blos
    Isabelle Limoges
  • administrateur de programme
    Leslie Anne Poyntz
  • producteur
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • producteur exécutif
    Annette Clarke

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Âge 16 à 18 ans
We Can't Make the Same Mistake Twice
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