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Apples and Oranges

2003 17 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary with interspersed animated vignettes is designed to raise children's awareness of the harmful effects of homophobia and gender-related bullying. In the course of a lively in-class discussion, children's paintings magically dissolve into two short animated stories. In Anta's Revenge, Anta finds out that creativity, not revenge, is the best way to deal with a school bully. Defying Gravity tells the story of two skateboarders whose friendship is tested when one of them finds out the other is gay. The animated stories in this video will help elementary school students explore name calling and bullying. The video can …

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Apples and Oranges


This short documentary with interspersed animated vignettes is designed to raise children's awareness of the harmful effects of homophobia and gender-related bullying. In the course of a lively in-class discussion, children's paintings magically dissolve into two short animated stories. In Anta's Revenge, Anta finds out that creativity, not revenge, is the best way to deal with a school bully. Defying Gravity tells the story of two skateboarders whose friendship is tested when one of them finds out the other is gay. The animated stories in this video will help elementary school students explore name calling and bullying. The video can assist children aged 8-12 in learning about families, differences and respect.

  • réalisateur
    Lynne Fernie
  • participant
    Douglas Stewart
    Tina Weinberg
  • voix
    Juan Chioran
    Hisani Clarke
    Emily Hampshire
    Megan Fahlenbock
    Cara Pifko
    Janet Bailey
    Pearl Richman
    Albert Chung
    Bill Houston
    Cliff Cardinal
    Dan Petronijevic
  • direction du casting
    Gail Carr
  • monteur
    Cathy Gulkin
  • montage additionnel
    Éric Ruel
  • assistant monteur
    Nada Yassir
  • prise de vues
    Kim Derko
  • 2e caméra
    Ricardo Diaz
  • assistance à la caméra
    Andy Jekabsons
    Jesse Rosensweet
  • enregistrement sonore
    Justine Pimlott
  • enregistrement sonore supplémentaire
    Peter Sawade
  • gérant de production
    Greg Bolton
  • None
    Julie Eknes
    Dylan McIsaac
    Bernard Lorenzo
    Lukasz Pazera
    Jean-Marc Brosseau
    Phyllis Lewis
    Lorraine Segato
    Jono Grant
    Lynne Fernie
    Karla Baumgardner
    Elana Medicoff
  • conseiller en éducation
    Margot Francis
  • assistant à la réalisation
    Allyson Mitchell
  • assistant de production
    Pasha McKenley
    Melanie Aguila
    Alexandre Oktan
  • écriture
    Lynne Fernie
    Laura Kosterski
  • consultant au récit
    Laura Kosterski
  • supervision de l'animation
    Andrew Reid
  • scénarimage
    Iriz Pääbo
  • cadrages
    Iriz Pääbo
  • design des personnages
    Iriz Pääbo
  • modeling
    Iriz Pääbo
  • animateur
    Ray Cicin
    Nelson Costa
    Miguel Cura
    Gang Huang
    Iriz Pääbo
    Andrew Reid
    Jun Ren
    Barry Sanders
    Alex Uvarov
  • composition d'images
    Andrew Reid
  • spécialiste en imagerie numérique
    Pierre Plouffe
    Susan Gourley
  • musicien
    Rachel Melas
    Jennifer Gilmor
    Jono Grant
    Conny Nowe
    Lorraine Segato
  • chanteur
    Hisani Clarke
  • musique
    Lorraine Segato
  • enregistrement voix
    Spence Thomas Audio Post
    Wellesley Sound Studios Inc.
    Victory Drive Recording
  • enregistrement de la musique
    Spence Thomas Audio Post
    Wellesley Sound Studios Inc.
    Victory Drive Recording
  • montage son
    Tony Reed
  • prise de son au bruitage
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • conception des titres
    Gaspard Gaudreau
  • technicien on-line
    Sylvain Desbiens
    Denis Pilon
    Denis Gathelier
  • ré-enregistrement
    Serge Boivin
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • administrateur de studio
    Gisèle Guilbault
    Andrée Lachapelle
    Elaine Largie
  • coordonnateur technique
    Richard Lesage
  • producteur exécutif
    David Verrall
    Sally Bochner
  • producteur
    Tamara Lynch
Apples and Oranges
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