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Nothing Sacred

2003 51 min
Dernière chance

This feature documentary is a portrait of Montreal political cartoonists Aislin and Serge Chapleau. In the pages of The Montreal Gazette and La Presse, respectively, they’ve been skewering politicians for 30 years. But who are these biting satirists? The film seeks to answer this question through interviews with the cartoonist's friends, families, colleagues, and even a few of their favourite victims, including Gilles Duceppe and Louise Beaudoin. Featuring many of their classic cartoons, Nothing Sacred pays tribute to gifted iconoclasts whose hilarious characters have seeped into our collective consciousness.

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Nothing Sacred


This feature documentary is a portrait of Montreal political cartoonists Aislin and Serge Chapleau. In the pages of The Montreal Gazette and La Presse, respectively, they’ve been skewering politicians for 30 years. But who are these biting satirists? The film seeks to answer this question through interviews with the cartoonist's friends, families, colleagues, and even a few of their favourite victims, including Gilles Duceppe and Louise Beaudoin. Featuring many of their classic cartoons, Nothing Sacred pays tribute to gifted iconoclasts whose hilarious characters have seeped into our collective consciousness.
  • réalisateur
    Garry Beitel
  • producteur
    Barry Lazar
    Colette Loumède
  • None
    Christiane Germain

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Âge 11 à 18 ans
Jusqu'où la caricature peut-elle repousser les limites de la critique sociale? Est-il possible de toujours s'exprimer de façon politiquement correcte? À quoi ressemble le monde du caricaturiste? Peut-on censurer ce mode d'expression qu'est le dessin? La caricature pourrait servir d'élément déclencheur à un débat éthique.
Nothing Sacred
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