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Alone, Together

2001 24 min
Dernière chance

Is culture accepting of difference? This is the vital question that Nova Scotia filmmaker Paul Émile d'Entremont asks in his film about difference and identity. Alone, Together charts the quest of two Acadians: Simon, who is trying to come to terms with his sexuality, and Cynthia, who is searching for her biological mother. The filmmaker sees himself in Simon and Cynthia who, each in their own way, is seeking an answer to the existential questions: who am I? where do I belong? In daring to come out with his homosexuality, Simon is also able to assume his Acadian identity. After …

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Alone, Together


Is culture accepting of difference? This is the vital question that Nova Scotia filmmaker Paul Émile d'Entremont asks in his film about difference and identity. Alone, Together charts the quest of two Acadians: Simon, who is trying to come to terms with his sexuality, and Cynthia, who is searching for her biological mother. The filmmaker sees himself in Simon and Cynthia who, each in their own way, is seeking an answer to the existential questions: who am I? where do I belong? In daring to come out with his homosexuality, Simon is also able to assume his Acadian identity. After finding her birth mother, Cynthia finally untangles the various strands of her identity. Alone, Together shows Acadia as a multifaceted society embracing the more open attitudes of the 21st century. Today's Acadians are able to assume their difference and create their own identity. In French with English subtitles.

  • recherche
    Paul Émile d'Entremont
  • scénarisation
    Paul Émile d'Entremont
  • réalisateur
    Paul Émile d'Entremont
  • collaboration à la scénarisation
    Jean-Daniel Lafond
  • participant
    Cynthia Maillet
    Simon Thibault
    Nicholas Knutson
    Rita Benjamin
    Marguerite Maillet
    Lee Bent
    Hector Thibault
    Jeanne Thibault
    Claude Chaloux
    Louise Soucy
    Chantale Despres
    Georgette Le Blanc
    Alyssa Ryvers
  • caméra
    Stefan Ivanov
  • assistance à la caméra
    Vesselin Krastev
  • prise de son
    Marcel Fraser
  • montage image
    Patricia Vergeylen-Tassinari
  • musique originale
    Jean-François Mallet
  • montage sonore
    Sylvie Masse
  • musicien
    Paul Campbell
    Sonja Adams
  • chanteur
    Aurélie Cormier
  • gérant de production
    Bernice Butler
  • photographe - studio
    Glenn Walton
  • None
    Hubert Fielden
    Phyllis Lewis
    Chaz Oliver
    Danielle Raymond
    Colette Allain
    Gisèle Brun
    Alvine Losier
    Nicole Côté
  • narrateur
    Paul Émile d'Entremont
  • ré-enregistrement
    Serge Boivin
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • montage en ligne
    Sylvain Desbiens
    Denis Pilon
  • titres
    Louise Overy
  • sous-titrage
    Centre national du sous-titrage
  • coordonnateur technique
    Marysol Moran
  • administration
    Murielle Rioux-Poirier
  • coordinateur
    David Lonergan
  • producteur
    Diane Poitras

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