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Kosovo: Fragile Peace

2002 53 min
Dernière chance

This feature documentary offers a rare glimpse into the frontlines of democracy building through the eyes of a Canadian mother and her daughter. In the heart of Kosovo, an international mission struggles to bring democracy to a land torn apart by bloodshed. There, Canadian lawyer Carolyn McCool works to build bridges between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs, while her 20-year-old daughter Kate travels with a musical roadshow to generate grassroots support for the election among the youth.

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Kosovo: Fragile Peace


This feature documentary offers a rare glimpse into the frontlines of democracy building through the eyes of a Canadian mother and her daughter. In the heart of Kosovo, an international mission struggles to bring democracy to a land torn apart by bloodshed. There, Canadian lawyer Carolyn McCool works to build bridges between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs, while her 20-year-old daughter Kate travels with a musical roadshow to generate grassroots support for the election among the youth.

  • réalisateur
    Moira Simpson
  • écriture
    Moira Simpson
  • directeur de la photographie
    Moira Simpson
  • prise de son
    Moira Simpson
  • producteur
    Tracey Friesen
  • producteur associé
    Colleen Leung
  • monteur
    Debra Rurak
  • composition
    Dennis Burke
  • supervision sonore
    Gael MacLean
  • caméra additionnelle
    Kate Oja
    Srdjan Slavkovic
  • None
    Kate Oja
    R. Neil Thompson
    Tyronne L'Hirondelle
    Christine McLeod
    Cinesonic Productions Inc.
    Rainmaker Digital Pictures
  • narrateur
    Holly Burke
  • traducteur
    Fisnik Preniqi
    Divna Stakic
    Gordana Sokic
  • photographie de plateau
    Lubomir Kotek
    Kate Oja
    Moira Simpson
    Srdjan Slavkovic
  • musicien
    Mike Braverman
    Joseph Pepe Danza
    Dennis Burke
  • musique additionnelle
    Sanja Ilic
    Besart Hysniu
    Kadri Hysniu
    Xhevdet Gashi
  • monteur effets sonores
    Patrick Haskill
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Bill Sheppard
    Dean Giammarco
  • ré-enregistrement
    Cinesonic Productions Inc.
  • commis à la production
    Christine Sears
  • superviseur de production
    Kathryn Lynch
  • administrateur de programme
    Bruce Hagerman
  • producteur exécutif
    Graydon McCrea

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