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Feelings of Depression

1950 30 min
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How and why feelings of depression carry over from childhood to overshadow adulthood are explained in the case of John Murray, an industrious and conscientious businessman. As his case history unfolds we see how persisting reactions to early emotional problems render him incapable of enjoying a happy, normal life.

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Feelings of Depression


How and why feelings of depression carry over from childhood to overshadow adulthood are explained in the case of John Murray, an industrious and conscientious businessman. As his case history unfolds we see how persisting reactions to early emotional problems render him incapable of enjoying a happy, normal life.

  • réalisateur
    Stanley Jackson
  • scénario
    Stanley Jackson
  • producteur
    Tom Daly
  • photographie
    Denis Gillson
  • son
    Clifford Griffin
    Peter Jones
  • montage
    Victor Jobin
  • musique
    Robert Fleming

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