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Wapos Bay: As the Bannock Browns

2007 23 min
Dernière chance

In episode 8 from the Wapos Bay series, the Carnival comes to Wapos Bay, and T-Bear is smitten by the Carnival owner's daughter, Evelyn, and will do anything to help out at the Carnival. T-Bear's dad, Jacob, tries everything to keep his son away from the "carnies," as he calls them because of his own earlier experiences. Raven is bedridden with chicken pox and develops an overactive imagination by watching too many soap operas on TV. Wapos Bay is a stop-motion animation series that follows the adventures of 3 kids from a Cree community in northern Saskatchewan.

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Wapos Bay: As the Bannock Browns


In episode 8 from the Wapos Bay series, the Carnival comes to Wapos Bay, and T-Bear is smitten by the Carnival owner's daughter, Evelyn, and will do anything to help out at the Carnival. T-Bear's dad, Jacob, tries everything to keep his son away from the "carnies," as he calls them because of his own earlier experiences. Raven is bedridden with chicken pox and develops an overactive imagination by watching too many soap operas on TV.

Wapos Bay is a stop-motion animation series that follows the adventures of 3 kids from a Cree community in northern Saskatchewan.
  • None
    Dennis Jackson
    Melanie Jackson
    Diana Gossner
    Devon Loiselle
    Shane Molloy
    Diana Savage
    Amalie Atkins
    Ted Heeley
    Allison Track
    Stacia Verigin
    Craig Olson
    Dwayne Turta
    Alina Pete
    Elmer Estillore
    Teri Armitage
    Talking Dog Studios
    National Film Board of Canada
    Andrew Gordon
    George Hupka
  • voix
    Gordon Tootoosis
    Taylor Cook
    Eric Jackson
    Raven Brass
    Lorne Cardinal
    Andrea Menard
    Trevor Cameron
    Joseph Naytowhow
    Diana Gossner
    Jody Peters
  • compositeur de la musique
    Ross Nykiforuk
  • monteur
    Jennifer Prokop
  • directeur de la photographie
    Alan Poon
  • producteur
    Dennis Jackson
    Melanie Jackson
    Anand Ramayya
    Derek Mazur
  • écriture
    Trevor Cameron
  • réalisateur
    Cam Lizotte
  • producteur exécutif
    Derek Mazur
  • producteur associé
    Rick Stefanowski
    Scott Collins
  • gérant de production
    Ellen McEachern
  • conseiller à la production
    Torin Stefanson
  • chef scénariste
    Dennis Jackson
  • 1er assistant à la réalisation
    Trevor Cameron
  • 2e assistant à la réalisation
    Jason Bohn
  • supervision de l'animation
    Cam Lizotte
  • animateur principal
    Andrew Doll
  • conseiller en animation
    C.A. Pounds
  • animateur
    Gilbert Baldhead
    Stacy Kulyk
    Carll Machiskinic
    Bentley Poochay
    Justin Scales
  • animateur supplémentaire
    Lisa Lorenzo
    Kelly Morrison
    Curtis Witt
  • design des personnages
    Carll Machiskinic
    Bentley Poochay
  • sculpture des personnages
    Carll Machiskinic
    Bentley Poochay
  • construction des décors
    Clayton Malinski
  • design des armatures
    Paul Atkins
  • construction des armatures
    Paul Atkins
  • mouleur
    Stacia Verigin
  • assistant au service artistique
    Diana Gossner
  • assistant de production en scénographie
    Brandi Hattum
  • superviseur du story-board
    Cam Lizotte
  • créateur du story-board
    Gilbert Baldhead
    Andrew Doll
  • machiniste de plateau
    Aaron Jackson
  • supervision de la postproduction
    Torin Stefanson
  • assistant monteur
    Angela Edmunds
  • assistant à la postproduction
    Teri Armitage
  • monteur en ligne
    Denis Gathelier
    Françoise Laprise
  • analyseur
    Sheena Lizotte
  • superviseur à la postproduction sonore
    Ross Nykiforuk
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Daryl Pierce
    Randy Woods
  • effets sonores
    Daryl Pierce
    Randy Woods
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Evan Rust
  • musicien
    Ross Nykiforuk
    Randy Woods
    Anna Bekolay
    Carrissa Klopoushak
    James Steele
  • coordonnateur de production
    Linda Nemeth
  • comptable de production
    Linda Nemeth
  • comptabilité
    Linda Nemeth
  • assistant de production
    Tatyanna Elash
    Rolande Petit
  • rigging
    John Butler
  • superviseur de production
    Scott Collins
  • administrateur de programme
    Cyndi Forcand
  • équipement audio
    Cosmic Pad Studios
  • assurance de production
    Multimedia Risk Inc.

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Wapos Bay: As the Bannock Browns
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