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True Story - Part One

2022 1 h 28 min
Dernière chance

September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, is a day of reflection and remembrance for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people across Canada. But how many Canadians don’t even know what they’re reflecting on? How can we have reconciliation without truth? Many Canadians know only the history they were taught in school, much of which is biased, bogus, and downright racist. The time has come for us to face our true history. But do we really want to face the truth of the relationship between Indigenous and settler Canadians when it’s so dark and daunting? True Story is a 2-part …

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True Story - Part One


September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, is a day of reflection and remembrance for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people across Canada. But how many Canadians don’t even know what they’re reflecting on? How can we have reconciliation without truth? Many Canadians know only the history they were taught in school, much of which is biased, bogus, and downright racist. The time has come for us to face our true history. But do we really want to face the truth of the relationship between Indigenous and settler Canadians when it’s so dark and daunting?

True Story is a 2-part feature documentary series that sheds light on the history of the relationship between Indigenous and settler people as told by Indigenous voices from their point of view relying on oral history. This historical journey is heartbreaking, astonishing and shameful, but it is also uplifting, inspiring and full of laughter and light. The resilience of Indigenous peoples often shines through in their humour, which can be dark and cheeky, something that True Story embraces. As a nation living on what is now called Canada, how do we move forward from the historical wrongdoings of our colonial history? If we truly want reconciliation, let’s start with the truth. It might be messy and it is definitely ugly, but moments of hope show us what this country could be — if we are open to facing and learning from the past.

  • réalisateur
    Dinae Robinson
  • producteur exécutif
    Lisa Meeches
    Dinae Robinson
    Kyle Irving
    Rebecca Gibson
True Story - Part One
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