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Travel Log

1978 9 min
Dernière chance

This short, experimental road movie is a study in mystery and atmosphere. Juxtaposing photographs on the screen with a woman's words, the film tells the story of a couple who drifts apart, of a journey with no return. Introspective and haunting, this mood piece is a travel album about intimacy and dispossession.

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Travel Log


This short, experimental road movie is a study in mystery and atmosphere. Juxtaposing photographs on the screen with a woman's words, the film tells the story of a couple who drifts apart, of a journey with no return. Introspective and haunting, this mood piece is a travel album about intimacy and dispossession.

  • réalisateur
    Donald Winkler
  • scénario
    Donald Winkler
  • photographie
    Donald Winkler
  • producteur
    Tom Daly
  • producteur exécutif
    Arthur Hammond
  • caméra d'animation
    Raymond Dumas
    Richard Moras
    Jacques Avoine
  • son
    Alain Clavier
  • montage
    Torben Schioler
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • voix
    Marguerite McDonald
    Donald Winkler

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