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Skin for Skin

2017 15 min
Dernière chance

Skin for Skin is a dark allegory of greed and spiritual reckoning set during the early days of the fur trade. In 1823, the Governor of the largest fur-trading company in the world travels across his Dominion, extracting ever-greater riches from the winter bounty of animal furs. In his brutal world of profit and loss, animals are slaughtered to the brink of extinction until the balance of power shifts, and the forces of nature exact their own terrible price. With nods to Melville and Coleridge, directors Kevin D.A. Kurytnik & Carol Beecher have created a visually stunning contemporary myth about …

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Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
Skin for Skin



Skin for Skin is a dark allegory of greed and spiritual reckoning set during the early days of the fur trade.

In 1823, the Governor of the largest fur-trading company in the world travels across his Dominion, extracting ever-greater riches from the winter bounty of animal furs. In his brutal world of profit and loss, animals are slaughtered to the brink of extinction until the balance of power shifts, and the forces of nature exact their own terrible price.

With nods to Melville and Coleridge, directors Kevin D.A. Kurytnik & Carol Beecher have created a visually stunning contemporary myth about the cost of arrogance and greed.
Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
  • écriture
    Kevin D.A. Kurytnik
    Carol Beecher
  • réalisateur
    Kevin D.A. Kurytnik
    Carol Beecher
  • producteur
    Bonnie Thompson
    Carol Beecher
  • producteur exécutif
    David Christensen
  • contribution à l'histoire
    William Dyer
    Danielle Bazinet
    Jon-Jon Atienza
    Nic Wassill
    Lyndon Navalta
    Ryder McLean
  • créateur du story-board
    Danielle Bazinet
    Kevin D.A. Kurytnik
  • montage
    Carol Beecher
  • direction artistique
    Kevin D.A. Kurytnik
  • assistant directeur artistique
    Lyndon Navalta
  • gérant de production
    Carol Beecher
  • conception de la production
    Kevin D.A. Kurytnik
    Danielle Bazinet
    Lyndon Navalta
  • chef coloriste
    Lyndon Navalta
  • artiste au compositing
    Lyndon Navalta
    William Dyer
    Court Brinsmead
    Jon-Jon Atienza
    Brian Batista
  • None
    William Dyer
    Court Brinsmead
    Ryder McLean
    Blake Figol
    Carol Beecher
    Paul Boucher
    Inouk Touzin
    Stéphane Prevost
    Stephan Gabriele
    Jim Ripley
    Roger Rhodes
    Frank Laratta
    Propeller Studios Inc.
  • directeur technique
    William Dyer
  • création des textures
    Danielle Bazinet
  • design des personnages
    Douglas Nhung
    Julianna Michek
  • artiste-concepteur
    Lyndon Navalta
    Ryder McLean
    Hunter Bonyun
    Eran Fowler
    Cynthia Ward
  • modélisation - prévisualisation
    Justin Goran
  • modélisateur 3D
    Nic Wassill
  • éclairages
    Jon-Jon Atienza
    David Reynolds
    Blake Figol
  • effets
    Jon-Jon Atienza
    Brian Batista
  • supervision de l'animation
    Carol Beecher
    William Dyer
  • animateur principal 3D
    William Dyer
  • maquette
    Carol Beecher
    Court Brinsmead
    Ryder McLean
    Blake Figol
    Nic Wassill
  • rigging
    Jon-Jon Atienza
    Ryder McLean
    Price Morgan
  • stagiaire
    Shawna Saunders
    Alexandra Hodgson
    Danielle Vuono
    Lauren Shipton
    Balbina Argenti
    Lee Jang
    Kelly-Ann Desouza
    Milan Bojanic
    Kristy Lannan
  • assistant à la recherche
    Emma Rouleau
    David McGonigal
  • assistant de production
    Guilia Comin
    Ryley Bryanton
    Adam Muhieddine
    Christina Mah
  • consultation technique
    Sean Craig
    Steve Kahwati
  • superviseur du montage sonore
    Frank Laratta
  • montage son
    Brent Planiden
    Matt Coffey
    Tyler Rambie
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Matt Coffey
    Tyler Rambie
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Brent Planiden
    Frank Laratta
  • conception sonore
    Frank Laratta
  • cornemuse
    Owen Bonnar
  • montage sonore supplémentaire
    Jimmy Bustos
    Ryan Von Hagen
  • coloration
    Jeff August
    Nick Zacharkiw
  • monteur en ligne
    Brock Roberts
  • coordonnateur de production
    Ginette D'Silva
    Faye Yoneda
    Jasmine Pullukatt
  • agent, marketing
    Leslie Stafford
  • administrateur de programme
    Bree Beach
    Ginette D'Silva
  • superviseur de production
    Mark Power
    Esther Viragh
  • gestionnaire des opérations du Centre
    Darin Clausen
  • directeur exécutif
    Michelle van Beusekom

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Skin for Skin
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