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Of Dice and Men

1988 11 min
Dernière chance

This witty short animation film introduces the theory of probability. We learn of its inception in the 17th century to settle a dispute over a game of dice, its relationship to predictability, and its application to everyday situations--like the chances of being involved in an accident.

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Of Dice and Men


This witty short animation film introduces the theory of probability. We learn of its inception in the 17th century to settle a dispute over a game of dice, its relationship to predictability, and its application to everyday situations--like the chances of being involved in an accident.

  • réalisateur
    John Weldon
  • scénario
    John Weldon
  • animation
    John Weldon
  • producteur
    David Verrall
  • producteur exécutif
    Douglas MacDonald
  • voix
    Walter Massey
    Richard Dumont
  • musique
    Neil Smolar
  • son
    Neil Smolar
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
Of Dice and Men
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