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Mr. Bear's Song

1997 16 min
Dernière chance

Following Fiona Garrick in her print shop, this short film reveals the story behind the creation of a children's book. Whether writing, engraving, mixing ink colours, operating a 100-year-old printing press or hand binding, she treats every aspect of bookmaking with extraordinary skill and craft. In the era of superstores and media conglomerates, Garrick takes us along on a special journey of careful, contemplative creation.

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Mr. Bear's Song


Following Fiona Garrick in her print shop, this short film reveals the story behind the creation of a children's book. Whether writing, engraving, mixing ink colours, operating a 100-year-old printing press or hand binding, she treats every aspect of bookmaking with extraordinary skill and craft. In the era of superstores and media conglomerates, Garrick takes us along on a special journey of careful, contemplative creation.
  • réalisateur
    Elizabeth Walker
  • producteur
    George Johnson
  • producteur exécutif
    Svend-Erik Eriksen
  • caméra
    Kirk Tougas
  • son
    Rob Simpson
  • montage
    Paul Lievesley
  • montage sonore
    Michael Colomby
  • musique
    Peter Bjerring

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Âge 5 à 18 ans
Mr. Bear's Song
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