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2015 4 min
Dernière chance

In this animated short, a Chevrolet Bel Air 1957 offers an ironic take on the iconic American ballad “Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)”. The Chevy’s bumper transforms into a pair of seductive lips, from which emerge the song’s reassuring lyrics, while a choir of cars performs a breathtaking dance number in the background. A biting satire of our Big Oil-based civilization, Carface is a musical comedy of spectacular proportions, in which acclaimed animator and illustrator Claude Cloutier (The Trenches, Sleeping Betty) pokes at our contemporary insouciance about the environmental perils that threaten the planet.

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In this animated short, a Chevrolet Bel Air 1957 offers an ironic take on the iconic American ballad “Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)”. The Chevy’s bumper transforms into a pair of seductive lips, from which emerge the song’s reassuring lyrics, while a choir of cars performs a breathtaking dance number in the background.

A biting satire of our Big Oil-based civilization, Carface is a musical comedy of spectacular proportions, in which acclaimed animator and illustrator Claude Cloutier (The Trenches, Sleeping Betty) pokes at our contemporary insouciance about the environmental perils that threaten the planet.
  • réalisation
    Claude Cloutier
  • scénario
    Claude Cloutier
  • animation
    Claude Cloutier
  • producteur
    Julie Roy
  • composition de l'adaptation
    Jean-Phi Goncalves
  • concepteur du son
    Olivier Calvert
  • montage
    Michel Pelland
    Guillaume Fortin
  • chanteur principal
    Audrey Emery
  • choriste
    Audrey Brossard
    Pierre-Philippe Côté
    Alexandre Désilets
    Nicolas Grou
    Valerie Jodoin-Keaton
    Émilie Laforest
    Andrée-Isabelle Ntibarikure
    Alejandra Ribera
  • musicien
    Antoine Bareil
    Madeleine Messier
    Sheila Hannigan
    Ligia Paquin
    Jean-Nicolas Trottier
    David Carbonneau
  • arrangement musical
    Guido Del Fabbro
    Jean-Phi Goncalves
  • mix
    Serge Boivin
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Lise Wedlock
  • enregistrement sonore
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • directeur technique
    Pierre Plouffe
  • chef coloration
    Pierre Plouffe
  • None
    Yannick Grandmont
    Parissa Mohit
    Ehsan Gharib
  • montage en ligne
    Serge Verreault
  • titres
    Réjean Myette
  • producteur exécutif
    René Chénier
  • coordonnateur de production
    Michèle Labelle
  • administrateur
    Diane Régimbald
  • équipe administrative
    Diane Ayotte
    Karine Desmeules
  • agent, marketing
    Geneviève Bérard
  • coordonnateur technique
    Daniel Lord

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