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1984 23 min
Dernière chance

This powerful, contemporary story by Guy Vanderhaeghe dramatizes a family in conflict. A father who despises his job as a miner hopes for a better life for his sons. Billy, the younger, understands his father's aspirations, whereas Gene mocks his father and brother, and turns to drinking and delinquency. Billy makes excuses for Gene's behaviour and takes the blame for his actions until he realizes he cannot cover up for his brother forever.

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This powerful, contemporary story by Guy Vanderhaeghe dramatizes a family in conflict. A father who despises his job as a miner hopes for a better life for his sons. Billy, the younger, understands his father's aspirations, whereas Gene mocks his father and brother, and turns to drinking and delinquency. Billy makes excuses for Gene's behaviour and takes the blame for his actions until he realizes he cannot cover up for his brother forever.
  • réalisateur
    Michael Scott
  • producteur
    Seaton McLean
    Janice Platt
    Michael MacMillan
    Andy Thomson
  • producteur exécutif
    Robert Verrall
    Michael MacMillan
  • scénario
    Robert Duncan
  • caméra
    Andreas Poulsson
  • son
    Don Paches
  • montage
    Lara Mazur
  • montage sonore
    Lara Mazur
  • musique
    Randolph Peters
  • None
    Gillian Richardson
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
    Adrian Croll
  • interprète
    Steve Atkinson
    Saleem Avreshy
    Paul Boretski
    Marek Forysinski
    David Fox
    Paul McGaffey
    Chris Owens
    Elan Ross Gibson
    Kevin Smith
    Paul Whitney
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