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The Beauty of My People

1977 29 min
Dernière chance

The film centres on Arthur Shilling, an Ojibwa artist from the Rama Reserve on Lake Couchiching, Ontario. Shilling's artistic evolution is traced, as is his move to Toronto and the difficulties he encountered there. Also discussed is the illness that caused Shilling to re-evaluate his artistic goals. Interviews with the artist and others interested in his paintings are juxtaposed with examples of paintings.

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The Beauty of My People


The film centres on Arthur Shilling, an Ojibwa artist from the Rama Reserve on Lake Couchiching, Ontario. Shilling's artistic evolution is traced, as is his move to Toronto and the difficulties he encountered there. Also discussed is the illness that caused Shilling to re-evaluate his artistic goals. Interviews with the artist and others interested in his paintings are juxtaposed with examples of paintings.
  • réalisateur
    Alan Collins
  • écriture
    Gary George
  • narration
    Sherman Maness
  • musique
    Court Stone
  • photographie
    Dennis Miller
    Robert New
    Richard Wincente
  • monteur
    Alan Collins
    Ronald Sanders
    David Leach
  • son
    David Lee
    Aerlyn Weissman
  • photographe - studio
    Elizabeth Brewitt

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Âge 12 à 15 ans
Avant le film, les élèves étudient l’art autochtone en faisant ressortir les caractéristiques des exemples fournis traditionnellement. Après le visionnage, ils soulignent en quoi l’œuvre de Shilling se démarque de la tradition. Pourquoi est-ce important? Parlez des difficultés de Shilling à mesure que son œuvre est reconnue. En quoi est-ce différent ou semblable à ce que vivent les artistes d’aujourd’hui (Lindsay Lohan) et à travers l’histoire (Van Gogh)? Analysez le titre du film à la lumière de la vie et de l’œuvre de Shilling. Créez une œuvre montrant la beauté de quelque chose dans votre propre vie.
The Beauty of My People
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