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The Bassinet

2019 6 min
Dernière chance

When a vintage bassinet appears at filmmaker Tiffany Hsiung and long-time fiancée Victoria Mata’s home, it sets off a chain reaction of emotions. The Bassinet is a gentle and affecting story about Tiffany’s personal struggle with the intersection of her sexual orientation and cultural identity, and the cross-generational burden of having a baby in the context of rigid social constructs of marriage and family.

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The Bassinet
  • FIVE@50
    2019 5 films
    In 1969, Canada passed Bill C-150 into law, which partially decriminalized homosexuality in Canada. Fifty years later, the NFB presents Five@50, a unique collection of five-minute shorts reflecting on contemporary LGBTQ2+ lives and identities. These intimate documentaries range from personal reflection to cultural history, and include experimental forms, animation and dramatization. When it comes to progress and queer culture, what have we gained? And what have we lost along the way?


When a vintage bassinet appears at filmmaker Tiffany Hsiung and long-time fiancée Victoria Mata’s home, it sets off a chain reaction of emotions. The Bassinet is a gentle and affecting story about Tiffany’s personal struggle with the intersection of her sexual orientation and cultural identity, and the cross-generational burden of having a baby in the context of rigid social constructs of marriage and family.

  • écriture
    Tiffany Hsiung
  • réalisateur
    Tiffany Hsiung
  • producteur
    Justine Pimlott
  • producteur exécutif
    Anita Lee
  • directeur de la photographie
    Alex Tong
  • monteur
    Tiffany Beaudin
  • mettant en vedette
    Tiffany Hsiung
    Victoria Mata
  • chef scénariste
    Jennifer Kassabian
  • musique
    Tom Third
  • preneur de son
    Peter Sawade
  • superviseur de production
    Marcus Matyas
  • gérant de production
    Priscilla Galvez
  • coordonnateur principal de production
    Andrew Martin-Smith
  • 1er assistant caméraman
    Sean Marjoram
  • None
    Daniel Edwards
    Steve Thorpe
    Mateusz Sklarzyk
  • assistant de production
    Daniela Arango Cano
  • gestionnaire des opérations du studio
    Mark Wilson
  • administrateur de studio
    Patricia Bourgeois
  • coordonnateur technique
    Kevin Riley
  • coordonnateur du studio
    Carly Kastner
  • assistant technique
    Q'Mal Labad-Workman
  • agent, marketing
    Melissa Wheeler
  • agent de publicité
    Jennifer Mair
  • conseiller juridique
    Christian Pitchen
  • studio de post-production image
    SIM Post Toronto
  • coloration
    Arlene Moelker
  • monteur en ligne
    Darren Hinchy
  • montage son
    David Caporale
  • assistant mixage
    Ella Melanson
  • mixeur du repiquage
    James Bastable

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