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1957 30 min
Dernière chance

This drama portrays an immigrant family and the mingled feelings of hope and despair that characterize their life in a strange land. An Italian wife joins her husband in a large Canadian city. After two years in Canada the husband feels his dream of a better life is close to realization, but his wife feels that differences of language and custom are insurmountable. How such feelings are dispelled by simple gestures of friendship from Canadian-born neighbours gives a heartening conclusion to the film.

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  • Perspective
    1955 46 films
    This TV series from the mid-1950s blended documentary and fiction to tell Canadian stories from a Canadian perspective.


This drama portrays an immigrant family and the mingled feelings of hope and despair that characterize their life in a strange land. An Italian wife joins her husband in a large Canadian city. After two years in Canada the husband feels his dream of a better life is close to realization, but his wife feels that differences of language and custom are insurmountable. How such feelings are dispelled by simple gestures of friendship from Canadian-born neighbours gives a heartening conclusion to the film.

  • réalisateur
    Donald Ginsberg
  • producteur
    David Bairstow
  • producteur associé
    Blanche Markle
  • scénario
    Charles E. Israel
  • photographie
    John Gunn
  • son
    Frank Orban
  • montage
    Martin Defalco
  • montage sonore
    Bernard Bordeleau
  • interprète
    Gerry Sarracini
    Hildegarde Rossi
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