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Acting Blind

2006 52 min
Dernière chance

This touching documentary follows a cast of blind and visually impaired actors as they prepare Dancing to Beethoven, a play about blindness. The film takes us deep into the lives of the actors. We hear stories of their shock and disbelief at first losing sight and of their struggles coping with a life without it. We hear them talk about grieving and pining for the visual world. They tell the moving story of how this play is itself a victory, a type of salvation, for each of them. By opening night, at the renowned Place des Arts in Montreal, they …

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Acting Blind


This touching documentary follows a cast of blind and visually impaired actors as they prepare Dancing to Beethoven, a play about blindness. The film takes us deep into the lives of the actors. We hear stories of their shock and disbelief at first losing sight and of their struggles coping with a life without it. We hear them talk about grieving and pining for the visual world. They tell the moving story of how this play is itself a victory, a type of salvation, for each of them. By opening night, at the renowned Place des Arts in Montreal, they are a close-knit cast, well-honed and ready to step out of the wings and into the light.
  • réalisateur
    Martin Duckworth
  • producteur
    Germaine Ying Gee Wong
    Adam Symansky
  • consultant au récit
    Barry Lazar
  • producteur conseil
    Barry Lazar
  • producteur exécutif
    Sally Bochner
  • None
    Beitel/Lazar Productions Inc.
    Garry Beitel
    Nicolas Borycki
    Serge Boivin
  • directeur de la photographie
    Martin Duckworth
  • monteur
    Gerald Vansier
  • montage son
    Don Ayer
  • musique originale
    Robert M. Lepage
  • musicien
    Robert M. Lepage
    Yanik Cloutier
  • voix
    Aldéo Jean
    Isabelle Rajotte
  • assistance à l'éclairage
    Marc Hénaut
    Vuk Stojanovic
  • preneur de son
    Glenn Hodgins
  • enregistrement sonore supplémentaire
    Craig Lapp
  • montage en ligne
    Sylvain Desbiens
    Denis Gathelier
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Claude Langlois
  • prise de son au bruitage
    Citélab Sonore
  • technicien montage numérique
    Phyllis Lewis
    Chaz Oliver
  • conception des titres
    Gaspard Gaudreau
  • coordonnateur de la postproduction
    Claude Cardinal
    Linda Payette
  • coordonnateur de production
    Sia Koukoulas
    Miya Kondo
  • administrateur de studio
    Nickie Merulla
    Marie Tonto-Donati
  • agent, marketing
    Moira Keigher
  • participant
    Norman Arduini
    Robert Arial
    Griffith Brewer
    Amanda Cape
    Sheryl Cape
    Sandra Cassell Clank
    Allan Dean
    Patrycja Walton
    Ann Arial
    Norma Dean
    Monica Romany
    Denzil Bruce
    Aisha Cassell
    Saguenay Pedneault-Walton
    Coyote Pedneault-Walton


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