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Showcase Francophonie (Ages 15-17)

Une sélection de Damien Robitaille
18 films
Dernière chance

This playlist highlights some of the best and brightest from Francophonie, a rich source of French arts and culture across Canada. Films in This Playlist Include Acadia, Acadia?!? A Sunday at 105 Reema, There and Back Riel Country Jack Kerouac’s Road: A Franco-American Odyssey A Monk’s Secret Together in Harmony A Memory Forgotten: A Generation Sacrificed Tintamarre: On the Trail of Acadians in North America The Black Squirrel Children of Soldiers Nomad’s Land Blackfly A Child Unlike Any Other Edith Butler: Daughter of the Wind and Acadie Stitches in Time Like a Thief in the Night The Trap

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Showcase Francophonie (Ages 15-17)

This playlist highlights some of the best and brightest from Francophonie, a rich source of French arts and culture across Canada.

Films in This Playlist Include
Acadia, Acadia?!?
A Sunday at 105
Reema, There and Back
Riel Country
Jack Kerouac’s Road: A Franco-American Odyssey
A Monk’s Secret
Together in Harmony
A Memory Forgotten: A Generation Sacrificed
Tintamarre: On the Trail of Acadians in North America
The Black Squirrel
Children of Soldiers
Nomad’s Land
A Child Unlike Any Other
Edith Butler: Daughter of the Wind and Acadie
Stitches in Time
Like a Thief in the Night
The Trap

Auteur, compositeur et interprète, Damien Robitaille est un Franco-Ontarien originaire de Lafontaine, près de la région de Toronto. Il lance Damien, un premier album indépendant en français, en 2003. Après des études à l’École nationale de la chanson de Granby – un prix remporté à sa seconde participation au concours Ontario Pop – il se fait remarquer et remporte plusieurs distinctions à diverses occasions : Festival de la chanson de Saint-Ambroise, Festival international de la chanson de Granby, Francofolies, Zoom sur la relève, Francouvertes, etc. Il déménage à Montréal en 2004 et sort deux albums studios : L’homme qui me ressemble (2006) et Homme autonome (2009), avec lequel il connaît le succès populaire. Depuis, il tourne dans toute la francophonie canadienne et internationale.


  • Acadia Acadia?!?

    This feature-length documentary is an on-the-spot record of the student protests that shook the Université de Moncton in 1968-69. Led by students desiring greater recognition of the French fact in New Brunswick, the protests spawned street marches, petitions and a sit-in, but also many discussions among students seeking to re-establish an Acadian identity.

  • A Sunday at 105

    A 105-year-old Acadian agrees to be filmed one Sunday as she goes about her daily routine and ruminates on life. Filmed by her great-grandson, Aldéa Pellerin-Cormier comments wisely on politics, sex and religion. From getting ready in the morning to drinking her nightcap before bed, every moment is punctuated with a witticism or existential thought. Respectful of the old woman's privacy, Daniel Léger's first documentary looks at wisdom, serenity and enjoyment of life. In French with English subtitles.

  • Reema, There and Back

    Filmmaker Paul Émile d'Entremont's documentary presents Reema, a lively and sensitive young girl confronted with difficult questions about her identity. After spending the first 16 years of her life with her Canadian mother, Reema re-connects with her Iraqi father by spending 2 months with him in Jordan. On returning home to Nova Scotia, she realizes she will always have a double identity, and that it is both a burden and a treasure.

  • Riel Country

    This documentary from Martin Duckworth features young adults from two distinct Winnipeg neighbourhoods on either side of the Red River who struggle to overcome geographical and cultural barriers. High school students from the predominantly Aboriginal North End and their peers from the Francophone district of St. Boniface work together to produce a play on the origins of the Métis. Their collaboration raises questions about how these youths foresee their role and place within their respective communities and how these minority communities co-exist with the predominant culture. The film also tackles issues of intolerance, racism and discrimination.

  • Jack Kerouac's Road - A Franco-American Odyssey

    Part documentary, part drama, this film presents the life and work of Jack Kerouac, an American writer with Québec roots who became one of the most important spokesmen for his generation. Intercut with archival footage, photographs and interviews, this film takes apart the heroic myth and even returns to the childhood of the author whose life and work contributed greatly to the cultural, sexual and social revolution of the 1960s.

  • A Monk's Secret

    This short documentary tells the story of a cheese – the famous Oka - and of the monks who make it. The Trappists in Oka, Quebec, began making the cheese around 1890, when a Trappist monk from France taught them the recipe, which dates back to the 11th century. Today, Brother Albéric continues to make the cheese at an abbey in Manitoba according to traditional methods and a secret recipe written in a mysterious notebook.

  • Together in Harmony

    This short documentary chronicles the participation of Edmonton’s Chorale Saint-Jean in the festivities organized for Quebec City’s 400th anniversary. The film is interspersed with interviews with conductor Laurier Fagnan, lyricist-composer France Levasseur-Ouimet and other people involved with this talented choir. Poignant and charming, it shows that French outside Quebec doesn’t necessarily have a bleak future. Indeed, not only is Franco-Albertan culture surviving, but it is also enriching our country’s heritage.

  • A Memory Forgotten: A Generation Sacrificed

    This short documentary is a portrait of Martine Duviella, whose parents were forced to flee Haiti during the Duvalier regime. Here, Duviella recounts the story of her activist father and through him seeks to retrieve the forgotten past of a generation that sacrificed itself trying to free Haiti.

  • Tintamarre - On the Trail of Acadians in North America

    This feature documentary pays homage to the special character of an enduring people: the Acadians. Two hundred years after the Deportation, Acadian culture is still very much alive. But why do Acadians - whose ancestors founded the first colony in North America - have to keep making a racket to tell the world they're still here?

  • The Black Squirrel

    This feature film is a different portrait of Ottawa, as transfigured by the loving but provocative gaze of well-known Francophone writer Daniel Poliquin. In his novels, the national capital metamorphoses, like the dreaded rat that supposedly changed into the city's ubiquitous black squirrel in a bid to win our affection. Alternating reality and fiction, the film reveals another Ottawa through the dreams and desires of his novels' characters - all portrayed by Poliquin himself.

  • Children of Soldiers

    In this documentary shot at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa during a troop deployment to Afghanistan, children and teens talk about the particular circumstances of having soldiers as parents.

    Directed by Claire Corriveau, Children of Soldiers lifts the veil on a reality shared by thousands of young Canadians, and on the difficulty of finding a balance between loyalty to the troops and staying true to themselves.

  • Nomad's Land

    Meet an Air Force wife who discovers that she married into a lifestyle she hadn't chosen. When her husband joined the Air Force, Claire Corriveau discovered a world where everything was subordinate to the needs of the Canadian Forces. Her first film, the feature documentary Nomad's Land, powerfully depicts the hard existence of military wives.

    Isolated, often lonely, forced to move repeatedly, these women have little control over their lives. This explosive film reminds us that they are the first collateral damage of an institution that, without their sacrifices and backstage work, would be unable to do its work. Their unsung contributions come at a high personal price. In French with English subtitles.

  • Blackfly

    This animated film about the pesky blackfly is based on the song of the same title, written and sung by Canadian folk singer Wade Hemsworth, with back-up vocals by the McGarrigle sisters. It recounts Hemsworth's battles with this quintessential "critter" during a summer of surveying in Northern Ontario.

  • A Child Unlike Any Other

    In this short documentary about autism, director Anna Barczewska examines the complex challenge of raising autistic children. Through the voice of Jan's devoted mother and the comments of specialists, the film offers an introduction to this neurological disorder that reduces one’s ability to communicate with the outside world.

  • Edith Butler - Daughter of the Wind and Acadie

    Combining interviews with teachers, admirers and musical peers, as well as footage from 40 years of performing, director Monique Leblanc's film captures singer/songwriter Édith Butler's moving artistry. A master show woman, Édith is always in flight – singing, playing, her long hair flying, with an epic grin on her face, covering everything from the softest lament to the most rollicking infectious footstomper. This film was produced for the 2009 Governor General's Performing Arts Award.

  • Stitches in Time

    In this charming animated film, two women knit and recall moments from their lives--memories of their neighbours, husbands, mothers and of other women knitting. Pastel drawings, music and a lively soundtrack evoke the past.

  • Like a Thief in the Night

    This short documentary about the city of Moncton, NB, explores 2 tragic endings: the obliteration of a much-loved historic neighbourhood, and the illness and death of the filmmaker's father. What survives when buildings, trees and a loved one all vanish?

    This documentary short was produced as part of the Tremplin program, which enables young Francophone filmmakers to make a first production in a professional context.

  • The Trap

    This short documentary examines the unlikely interactions between French-speaking fishermen and Buddhist monks and nuns in a Cape Breton village. Seemingly divided by language, culture and religion, these people share more than meets the eye. The film delicately weaves a connection between the beliefs of the 2 groups, who both regard life as a cycle.

    This documentary short was produced as part of the Tremplin program, which enables young Francophone filmmakers to make a first production in a professional context.