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Oscar® Nominee, Best Short Film (Animated), 1999

When the Day Breaks

1999 9 min
Dernière chance

In this animated short, Ruby the pig seeks affirmation in the city around her after witnessing the accidental death of a stranger… and finds it in surprising places. With deft humour and finely rendered detail, When the Day Breaks illuminates the links that connect our urban lives, while evoking the promise and fragility of a new day. Winner of over 40 prizes from around the world, the film also features singer Martha Wainwright.

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When the Day Breaks


In this animated short, Ruby the pig seeks affirmation in the city around her after witnessing the accidental death of a stranger… and finds it in surprising places. With deft humour and finely rendered detail, When the Day Breaks illuminates the links that connect our urban lives, while evoking the promise and fragility of a new day. Winner of over 40 prizes from around the world, the film also features singer Martha Wainwright.

  • réalisation
    Wendy Tilby
    Amanda Forbis
  • animation
    Wendy Tilby
    Amanda Forbis
  • None
    Wendy Tilby
    Amanda Forbis
  • animation additionnelle
    Martin Rose
  • monteur-conseil
    Haida Paul
  • musique
    Judith Gruber-Stitzer
  • arrangements
    Dave Gossage
    Judith Gruber-Stitzer
  • chanteur
    Martha Wainwright
    Chaim Tannenbaum
  • musicien
    Richard Beaudet
    Kevin Dean
    Thom Gossage
    Normand Guilbeault
    Eric Longsworth
    Collin Biggin
    Philippe Dunnigan
    David Grott
    Frédéric Lefebvre
    Marc Villemure
  • montage sonore
    Marie-Claude Gagné
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Andy Malcolm
  • enregistrement sonore
    Geoffrey Mitchell
    Gaëtan Pilon
  • ré-enregistrement
    Shelley Craig
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • effets visuels
    Susan Gourley
  • assistance à l'animation
    Luigi Allemano
  • coordination de la postproduction
    Éric Barbeau
  • administrateur de programme
    Carrol Smith
    Ida Di Fruscia
    Gisèle Guilbault
  • producteur
    David Verrall
  • producteur exécutif
    Barrie Angus McLean
    David Verrall
When the Day Breaks
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