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The Unfinished Journey

2002 1 h 11 min
Dernière chance

On October 13, 1997 the village of St. Bernard in the Beauce region of Quebec acquired sudden fame, unintentionally and despite itself. It was Thanksgiving Day when a bus accident wiped out two percent of its tiny population. The local Golden Age club was on an excursion to Île-aux-Coudres when it plunged into the Éboulements ravine. Four years after the most serious road accident in Canadian history, friends and family of the victims recount their sad journey. During a six-month period, we accompany the survivors, and follow the rebirth of a community after the tragedy. In French with English subtitles.

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The Unfinished Journey


On October 13, 1997 the village of St. Bernard in the Beauce region of Quebec acquired sudden fame, unintentionally and despite itself. It was Thanksgiving Day when a bus accident wiped out two percent of its tiny population. The local Golden Age club was on an excursion to Île-aux-Coudres when it plunged into the Éboulements ravine. Four years after the most serious road accident in Canadian history, friends and family of the victims recount their sad journey. During a six-month period, we accompany the survivors, and follow the rebirth of a community after the tragedy. In French with English subtitles.
  • réalisateur
    Jean-Thomas Bédard
  • producteur
    Nicole Lamothe
    Yves Bisaillon
  • participant
    Manon Bilodeau
    Francine Fillion
    Martial Labrecque
    Monique Breton
    Georgette Bilodeau
    Ghislaine Breton
    Raymond Fillion
    Lucie Dumas
    Rose-Aimée Breton
    Clément Bédard
    Hughette Camiré
    Marie Boilard
    Thérèse Guay
    Réal Guay
    Wilfrid Grenier
    Martin Goulet
    Clermont Labrecque
    Louise Labrecque
    Rosaire Roussin
    Michel Leblond
    Fernande Roussin
    Thérèse Brouard
    Denis Lemelin
    Sylvio Larivière
    Fernand Lemay
    Lucie Fillion
    Martin Fillion
    René Fillion
    Ginette Fillion
    Michel Fillion
    Johanne Fillion
  • scénario
    Jean-Thomas Bédard
  • assistant réalisateur
    Lina B. Moreco
  • assistance à la réalisation - assistance
    Pascale Bilodeau
  • directeur de la photographie
    Yoan Cart
    Michel Lamothe
  • monteur
    Patricia Vergeylen-Tassinari
  • preneur de son
    Claude Hamel
  • montage son
    Leopoldo Gutierrez
  • recherchiste
    Marie-Josée Dufour
  • caméra additionnelle
    Bernard Fougères
    Jorge Martinho
    Jean-Thomas Bédard
    Alex Margineanu
    Stefan Ivanov
  • prise de son additionnelle
    Pierre Bertrand
    Pierre Blain
    André Boisvert
    Ismaël Cordeiro
    Yves St-Jean
    Georges Sheehy
  • traduction
    Christine York
  • sous-titres
    Christine York
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Stéphane Cadotte
  • musique originale
    Marie Bernard
  • musicien
    Christine Giguère
    Marie Bernard
  • enregistrement de la musique
    Luc Papineau
  • montage en ligne
    Denis Pilon
    Denis Gathelier
  • titres
    NFB Postproduction Image Service
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • coordination technique
    Jean-François Laprise
  • administration
    Denise DesLauriers
  • adjoint administratif
    Marie-Christine Guité
    Lise Lévesque
    Brigitte Sénéchal
  • None
    Joanne Carrière
    Johanne Bergeron

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