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The Quest

1958 38 min
Dernière chance

This short film is a re-enactment of the critical year in Dr. Frederick Banting's life when he discovered insulin for the treatment of diabetes at the University of Toronto. It depicts the odds against which he and his assistant, Charles Best, worked; the scepticism of other doctors and the final victory that gave thousands of diabetics hope for a healthier life.

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The Quest


This short film is a re-enactment of the critical year in Dr. Frederick Banting's life when he discovered insulin for the treatment of diabetes at the University of Toronto. It depicts the odds against which he and his assistant, Charles Best, worked; the scepticism of other doctors and the final victory that gave thousands of diabetics hope for a healthier life.

  • réalisateur
    Stanley Jackson
  • producteur exécutif
    Nicholas Balla
  • scénario
    Leslie McFarlane
  • photographie
    Reginald Morris
  • son
    Michel Belaieff
    George Croll
  • montage
    Robert Russell
  • montage sonore
    Bernard Bordeleau
  • musique
    Eldon Rathburn
  • interprète
    Leo Ciceri
    Norman Ettlinger
    Dennis Stanway


Âge 14 à 17 ans
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The Quest
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