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OCD: The War Inside

2001 1 h 10 min
Dernière chance

WARNING: This film discusses the topic of OCD. Viewer discretion is advised. This feature documentary explores the daily lives of individuals living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a misunderstood anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts, nagging fears and ritualistic behaviour. From the outside, its sufferers have no physical disabilities and have every appearance of being as functional as the next person. But inside, a daily war is waged for survival.

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OCD: The War Inside


WARNING: This film discusses the topic of OCD. Viewer discretion is advised.

This feature documentary explores the daily lives of individuals living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a misunderstood anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts, nagging fears and ritualistic behaviour. From the outside, its sufferers have no physical disabilities and have every appearance of being as functional as the next person. But inside, a daily war is waged for survival.

  • réalisateur
    Mark Pancer
    David Hoffert
  • producteur
    Silva Basmajian
  • monteur
    Greg West
  • directeur de la photographie
    Barry Stone
  • producteur associé
    Brenda Hoffert
  • preneur de son
    Eric Fitz
  • musique originale
    Paul Hoffert
  • montage son
    Stephen Barden
    Kevin Banks
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
    Shelley Craig
  • caméra additionnelle
    Michael Ellis
    Joan Hutton
    David Hoffert
  • opérateur de Jib
    Robert Armstrong
  • enregistrement sonore supplémentaire
    Ervin Copestake
    Dennis Hill
    John Martin
  • assistance à la caméra
    David Johns
    Jackie Pelle
  • superviseur de production
    Kemp Archibald
    James Fiege
  • administrateur de programme
    Ida Di Fruscia
  • adjoint administratif à la production
    Melissa Preston
    Julietta McGovern
    Jeff Sterne
  • assistant monteur sonore
    Trent Richmond
  • assistant monteur
    David Grout
  • assistant superviseur de production
    Mark Wilson
    Michael Sardella
  • adjoint administratif
    Joanne Forrest
  • assistant de production
    Zack Kerbel
    Jeremy Graham
    Avra Fein
    Matthew Toth
  • None
    Pat Kerr
    Brenda Hoffert
    David Hoffert
    Mark Pancer
    Julietta McGovern
    James Rohr
    Paul Hoffert
    Michael Warning
    Darren Jennekens
    Douglas Crawford
  • guitare acoustique
    Don Ross
  • violoncelle
    Kristine Bogyo
  • orchestrations
    Paul Hoffert
  • monteur en ligne
    Kevin Gibson
  • coloration
    Joanne Rourke
  • contrôleur d'exécution
    Leona Vitoulova
  • producteur en imagerie numérique
    Doug Morris
  • directeur de la création - infographie
    Tony Cleave
  • animateur
    Roy Rodriguez
    Derek Gebhart
  • artiste Inferno
    Terry Rose
  • photographe - studio
    Vincenzo Pietropaolo
  • producteur exécutif
    Louise Lore
OCD: The War Inside
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