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Louisbourg Under Siege

1997 45 min
Dernière chance

Using stunning footage of the fortress and a re-creation of the battle of 1745, this documentary brings to life the siege and fall of Louisbourg, a turning point in North American history. Located on Cape Breton, in what is now Nova Scotia, Louisbourg was the greatest French fortress in North America and a key military stronghold. Once thought impregnable, it fell in a matter of weeks when in 1745, merchants from New England raised a force of 4,000 men and set out to take it.

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Louisbourg Under Siege


Using stunning footage of the fortress and a re-creation of the battle of 1745, this documentary brings to life the siege and fall of Louisbourg, a turning point in North American history. Located on Cape Breton, in what is now Nova Scotia, Louisbourg was the greatest French fortress in North America and a key military stronghold. Once thought impregnable, it fell in a matter of weeks when in 1745, merchants from New England raised a force of 4,000 men and set out to take it.

  • réalisateur
    Albert Kish
  • producteur
    Mark Zannis
  • producteur exécutif
    Don Haig
  • scénario
    Boyce Richardson
  • cinématographie
    Tony Ianzelo
    Colin Low
    Ernest McNabb
    Kent Nason
  • son
    Hans Oomes
    Jim Rillie
    Cyril MacInnes
  • montage
    Albert Kish
  • montage sonore
    Danuta Klis
    Wojtek Klis
    André Galbrand
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • narrateur
    Colm Feore
  • musique
    Alain Clavier

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Louisbourg Under Siege
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