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Cry of the Wild

1972 1 h 28 min
Dernière chance

This feature-length documentary from Bill Mason imparts his affection for the big northern timber wolves and the pure-white Arctic wolves. Filmed over three years in the Northwest Territories, British Columbia, the High Arctic and his home near the Gatineau Hills in Quebec, Mason sets out to dispel the myth of the bloodthirsty wolf. Going beyond the wolf's natural habitat, Mason relocated three young wolves to his own property and was able to film tribal customs, mating and birth. As a result, Cry of the Wild offers viewers access to moments in wildlife never before seen on film.

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Cry of the Wild


This feature-length documentary from Bill Mason imparts his affection for the big northern timber wolves and the pure-white Arctic wolves. Filmed over three years in the Northwest Territories, British Columbia, the High Arctic and his home near the Gatineau Hills in Quebec, Mason sets out to dispel the myth of the bloodthirsty wolf. Going beyond the wolf's natural habitat, Mason relocated three young wolves to his own property and was able to film tribal customs, mating and birth. As a result, Cry of the Wild offers viewers access to moments in wildlife never before seen on film.
  • réalisateur
    Bill Mason
  • scénario
    Bill Mason
  • montage
    Bill Mason
  • narrateur
    Bill Mason
  • producteur
    William Brind
  • photographie
    Bill Mason
    Blake James
  • son
    Don Wellington
  • montage sonore
    John Knight
  • ré-enregistrement
    Michel Descombes
  • musique
    Larry Crosley
    Bruce Mackay
  • enregistrement de la musique
    Roger Lamoureux

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Âge 9 à 17 ans
Demandez aux élèves de citer des idées fausses que l’on véhicule souvent à propos des loups. Discutez des contes de fées dans lesquels les loups sont dépeints comme des animaux méchants et menaçants pour les humains. En quoi ce film a-t-il changé vos perceptions? À quoi attribuez-vous le fait que le stéréotype négatif se rattachant aux loups soit si répandu? Quelle est la nouvelle information la plus intéressante que vous ayez apprise au sujet des loups? En quoi le temps que Bill Mason a consacré aux loups a-t-il été fructueux, et infructueux?
Cry of the Wild
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