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Alter Egos

2004 52 min
Dernière chance

In this award-winning animation-documentary, we meet two unusual artists. Ryan Larkin was once a brilliant filmmaker who ended up on the streets in Montreal. Chris Landreth is a rising star in animation beginning to experience the kind of adulation Larkin received decades earlier. With excerpts from both men's Oscar®-nominated works, this film delves into the tale of Larkin’s descent and the fascinating relationship that developed between the two men. It is a poignant study of artists, addiction and creativity.

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Alter Egos


In this award-winning animation-documentary, we meet two unusual artists. Ryan Larkin was once a brilliant filmmaker who ended up on the streets in Montreal. Chris Landreth is a rising star in animation beginning to experience the kind of adulation Larkin received decades earlier.

With excerpts from both men's Oscar®-nominated works, this film delves into the tale of Larkin’s descent and the fascinating relationship that developed between the two men. It is a poignant study of artists, addiction and creativity.

  • écriture
    Laurence Green
  • réalisateur
    Laurence Green
  • producteur
    Steven Hoban
    Mark Smith
    Adam Symansky
  • producteur exécutif
    Karyn Nolan
    Noah Segal
    Sally Bochner
    David Verrall
  • producteur associé
    Jeremy Edwardes
  • directeur de la photographie
    Jay Ferguson
  • photographie additionnelle
    John Westhauser
  • monteur
    Susan Martin
  • montage additionnel
    Allan Code
  • composition
    Adam Warner
    Dan Turcotte
    Jeremy Edwardes
  • preneur de son
    Sanjay Mehta
    Glenn Hodgins
    Philippe Scultéty
  • assistant de production
    Pier-Nadeige Jutras
    Melanie Moulton
  • comptable de production
    Brian Borts
    Valerie L. Whiteside
  • supervision de la postproduction
    Paula Devonshire
  • assistant monteur
    Maggie Cheung
  • None
    Joe Raasch
    Todd Ivey
    Film Effects Inc.
    Coptor Productions Inc.
    Tattersall Sound & Picture
    Graham Jones
    Casablanca Magnetic North
    Peter Hathway
    Coptor Music
  • titres
    Todd Ivey
  • supervision sonore
    David McCallum
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Lou Solakofski
  • monteur effets sonores
    Ronayne Higginson
  • ingénieur mixage musical
    Dan Turcotte
  • directeur documentaire
    Andrew Johnson
  • cadre de production
    Rachel Fulford
    Lynne Carter
Alter Egos
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