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1968 13 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary looks at how modern technology affects the forestry industry and the role of the forester in ensuring the sustainability of this great natural resource. It was in the '60s that people started to realize that the forests did not provide an endless supply of wood, and thanks to recent developments in the science of forestry, people are learning how to manage the resources more effectively.

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This short documentary looks at how modern technology affects the forestry industry and the role of the forester in ensuring the sustainability of this great natural resource. It was in the '60s that people started to realize that the forests did not provide an endless supply of wood, and thanks to recent developments in the science of forestry, people are learning how to manage the resources more effectively.
  • réalisateur
    Werner Aellen
  • producteur
    Werner Aellen
  • scénario
    Munroe Scott
  • commentaire
    Stanley Jackson
  • photographie
    Dennis Miller
    Ken Campbell
    Michel Thomas-d'Hoste
  • son
    Alfred Wade
    Michel Hazel
  • montage
    Jacques Bensimon
  • montage sonore
    Norman Bigras
    Victor Merrill
    F. Whitman Trecartin
  • musique
    Donald Douglas
    Stanley Jackson
    Art Phillips
    Donna Louthood

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Âge 12 à 17 ans
Ce précieux document sur la technologie forestière d’avant 1970 peut aujourd'hui être abordé à travers un nouveau regard: Les techniques forestières ont-elles changé? La sylviculture a-t-elle évolué? À voir dans un cours de géographie ou de science. Les élèves pourraient également être invités à dresser un parallèle entre Les forestiers et le film L'erreur boréale, coréalisé par Richard Desjardins et Robert Monderie.
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