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NFB Space School - Astrogeology (Ages 12-14)

NFB Space School - Astrogeology (Ages 12-14)

This playlist is comprised of segments from NFB Space School and is designed to demonstrate how astronauts train in complex geology on Earth in order to be able to identify scientific discoveries on Mars.

Pour visionner cette sélection en français, cliquez ici.

Films in This Playlist Include
What is Astrogeology?
Asteroids, Meteors & Comets
What is an Impact
Effects of an Impact
Rocks That Talk
Types of Rocks
Rocks in the Field
Rocks in the Lab
Remote Sensing & Ground Truthing
Blueprint of a Planet
Layers of the Earth
Plate Tectonics
Comparing Earth to Other Planets
The Future of Exploration
Evidence of Water
Search for Life
Extracting Resources
Canadian Contribution