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King of the Hill

1974 56 min
Dernière chance

This feature documentary follows one of the greatest Canadian baseball players of all time, Ferguson Jenkins, through the 1972-1973 season. From the hope and innocence of spring training to the dog days of an August slump, the camera gets up close and personal at the home plate and records the intimate chatter on the mound, in the dugout and in the locker room. It provides a glimpse into the rewards and pressures of sports stardom and the easy camaraderie of the quintessential summer sport.

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Cette œuvre contient des scènes de nudité et/ou de sexualité. Pour public averti.
King of the Hill


This feature documentary follows one of the greatest Canadian baseball players of all time, Ferguson Jenkins, through the 1972-1973 season. From the hope and innocence of spring training to the dog days of an August slump, the camera gets up close and personal at the home plate and records the intimate chatter on the mound, in the dugout and in the locker room. It provides a glimpse into the rewards and pressures of sports stardom and the easy camaraderie of the quintessential summer sport.
Cette œuvre contient des scènes de nudité et/ou de sexualité. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    William Canning
    Donald Brittain
  • producteur
    William Canning
  • producteur exécutif
    Colin Low
  • scénario
    Donald Brittain
  • narrateur
    Donald Brittain
  • photographie
    David De Volpi
  • son
    Hans Oomes
  • montage
    Marrin Canell
  • montage sonore
    Karl Duplessis
    André Galbrand
    Roger Hart
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
    Michel Descombes
  • musique
    Eldon Rathburn

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Âge 16 à 17 ans
King of the Hill
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