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Gun Runners

2016 1 h 29 min
Dernière chance

When it comes to world-class marathon runners, Kenyans are considered the cream of the crop. Particularly those from Kenya’s Rift Valley. These athletes have won marathons in London, New York and Berlin, and have set countless world records. But some of Kenya’s top runners aren’t running for fame and fortune. Some are wanted warriors, running for their lives. For years, Julius Arile and Robert Matanda thrive among the roaming bands of warriors that terrorize the North Kenyan countryside. By the time they reach their mid-twenties, stealing cattle, raiding and running from the police is the only life they know. So …

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Gun Runners


When it comes to world-class marathon runners, Kenyans are considered the cream of the crop. Particularly those from Kenya’s Rift Valley. These athletes have won marathons in London, New York and Berlin, and have set countless world records. But some of Kenya’s top runners aren’t running for fame and fortune. Some are wanted warriors, running for their lives. For years, Julius Arile and Robert Matanda thrive among the roaming bands of warriors that terrorize the North Kenyan countryside. By the time they reach their mid-twenties, stealing cattle, raiding and running from the police is the only life they know. So when both warriors suddenly disappear from the bush, many of their peers assume they are dead or have been arrested. Instead, they trade in their rifles for sneakers—in the hopes of making it big as professional marathon runners. Years of fleeing from the police have prepared the men for running marathon distances, but do they have what it takes to overcome the corruption, mistrust and jealousy that threaten to derail their careers? Or will they give up on their dreams and return to a life of easy power and money? Told entirely by its central characters, Gun Runners is the American Dream, Kenyan-style.
  • écriture
    Anjali Nayar
  • réalisateur
    Anjali Nayar
  • mettant en vedette
    Julius Arile Lomerinyang'
    Robert Matanda Wafula
  • directeur de la photographie
    Joan Poggio
  • monteur
    Andrew MacCormack
  • compositeur de la musique
    Darren Fung
  • None
    Darren Fung
    Caroline Hellen Ngesa
    Richard Otieno Owino
    Tony Otieno
    Dominique Aubry
    Stéphanie L'Écuyer
    Jean-Claude Wasik
    Vincent L. Pratte
    Geoffrey Mitchell
    Stéphane Cadotte
    Sylvain Robillard
    Whitney Nerima
    Debra Njeri Ngeru
    Erin Oakes
  • conception sonore
    Benoît Dame
    Catherine Van Der Donckt
  • montage sonore
    Benoît Dame
    Catherine Van Der Donckt
  • producteur associé
    Debra Njeri Ngeru
    Jon Montes
    Mylène Augustin
  • consultant au récit
    Binyavanga Wainaina
  • participant
    Zane Branson
    Joshua Chesire
    Jeroen Deen
    Stella Ebei
    Anjali Khwatenge
    Kibor Lelei
    Mary Chepustar Lomerinyang'
    Samson Arile Lomerinyang'
    Edwin Limo
    Eliza Lopilale
    Tegla Loroupe
    Murgor Makale
    Esther Mbondo
    Collins Mubaya
    Isaac Mwangi Njoroge
    Toni Reavis
    Jane Rose Wafula
    Douglas Wafula
    Tony Wafula
    Noah Wekesa
    Benjamin Yota
  • consultant
    Cynthia Knight
    Lynn Trout
    Hannele Halm
    Ari Van Assche
    Manfred Becker
    Gerry Flahive
    Shandi Mitchell
    Geeta Sondhi
  • preneur de son
    Anjali Nayar
    David Jalenga
    Richard Ngugi
    Laura Cunningham
    Petr Styblo
    Mark Kihara
    Catherine Van Der Donckt
  • caméra additionnelle
    Anjali Nayar
    Ryan De Franco
    Sam Heesen
    Jeffrey Whitehurst
  • assistant monteur
    Chris MacIntosh
    David Mullins
  • 1er assistant à la réalisation
    Elizabeth 'Kim' Kariuki
  • photographie de plateau
    Anjali Nayar
    Piotr Redlinski
    Georgina Goodwin
    Tobin Jones
  • assistant de production
    Emily Wanja
  • chauffeur
    Peter Njonde
    Amos Chege
    John N. Kimani
  • coordonnateur principal de production
    Isabelle Limoges
  • coordonnateur de production
    Christine Williams
  • administrateur de programme
    Leslie Anne Poyntz
  • chef de coordination et soutien aux projets
    Pierre Ferlatte
  • supervision de la postproduction
    Roslyn Power
  • coordonnateur technique
    Jean-François Laprise
    Chris MacIntosh
    Steve Hallé
  • technicien montage numérique
    Pierre Dupont
    Isabelle Painchaud
    Patrick Trahan
  • monteur en ligne
    Denis Pilon
  • réalisation graphique
    Mélanie Bouchard
    Cynthia Ouellet
  • titres
    Mélanie Bouchard
    Cynthia Ouellet
  • sous-titres
    Debra Njeri Ngeru
  • musicien
    Nicholas Di Giovanni
    Benjamin Kwong
    Jean-Christophe Lizotte
    Ben Comeau
    Mark Nelson
  • orchestrations
    Vincent L. Pratte
  • préparation technique, musique
    Harrison Lee
  • mixeur, musique
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • assistant de production musique
    Vincent Lefebvre
  • assistant à l'enregistrement de musique
    Tim Gowdy
  • assistant au montage de la musique
    Tim Gowdy
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • prise de son au bruitage
    Luc Léger
  • recherche additionnelle, musique
    Colin MacKenzie
  • traducteur
    Debra Njeri Ngeru
    Whitney Nerima
    Evelyn Kahungu
    Haron Kolem
    Francis Tuliamuk
    Kevin Mafumbo
  • obtention des droits
    Nancy Marcotte
  • agent, marketing
    François Jacques
  • agent de publicité
    Pat Dillon
  • producteur
    Annette Clarke
    Kat Baulu
  • producteur exécutif
    Annette Clarke
    Ravida Din

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