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Cattle Ranch

1961 19 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary offers a portrait of life on a cattle ranch, for both its human and animal inhabitants. Featuring sprightly music by folk singer Pete Seeger and narration by theatre actress Frances Hyland, the film is shot through the seasons on a large Canadian cattle ranch near Kamloops, British Columbia. With hundreds of cows and calves on the ranch, there’s no shortage of work to be done: soil cultivation and crop maintenance are taken care of by seasonal ranch hands while the resident cowboys—“anxious guardians”—brand and breed their bovine charges.

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Cattle Ranch


This short documentary offers a portrait of life on a cattle ranch, for both its human and animal inhabitants. Featuring sprightly music by folk singer Pete Seeger and narration by theatre actress Frances Hyland, the film is shot through the seasons on a large Canadian cattle ranch near Kamloops, British Columbia. With hundreds of cows and calves on the ranch, there’s no shortage of work to be done: soil cultivation and crop maintenance are taken care of by seasonal ranch hands while the resident cowboys—“anxious guardians”—brand and breed their bovine charges.

  • réalisateur
    Guy L. Coté
  • scénario
    Guy L. Coté
  • montage
    Guy L. Coté
  • producteur exécutif
    Tom Daly
  • commentaire
    Guy Glover
  • photographie
    Robert Humble
  • son
    Joseph Champagne
    George Croll
    Ted Haley
    Ron Alexander
  • montage sonore
    Victor Merrill
  • narrateur
    Frances Hyland
  • musique
    Pete Seeger

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