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The Liberators

1995 54 min
Dernière chance

The Liberators focuses on WWII during the period between June and December 1944. While following the action from the D-Day landings on the shores of Normandy up into Belgium and Holland, the film also highlights the contributions of the women who remained on the homefront. As the fourth largest producer of armaments among the Allied countries, Canada spent much of the war evolving into a formidable industrial nation.

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The Liberators
  • Canada Remembers
    Canada Remembers
    1995 3 films
    This 3-part series draws on personal stories and archival footage to tell the story of six of the most significant years in our country's history: from 1939, the beginning of WWII, to its end in 1945.


The Liberators focuses on WWII during the period between June and December 1944. While following the action from the D-Day landings on the shores of Normandy up into Belgium and Holland, the film also highlights the contributions of the women who remained on the homefront. As the fourth largest producer of armaments among the Allied countries, Canada spent much of the war evolving into a formidable industrial nation.

  • réalisateur
    Terence Macartney-Filgate
  • producteur
    Kent Martin
  • producteur exécutif
    Don Haig
  • scénario
    William Whitehead
  • photographie
    Jim Aquila
    Rolf Cutts
  • son
    Hans Oomes
  • montage
    Markham Cook
  • montage sonore
    André Galbrand
    Wojtek Klis
    Paul Demers
  • ré-enregistrement
    Louis Hone
    Nathalie Morin
  • narrateur
    R.H. Thomson
  • musique
    Neil Smolar
  • recherche
    Elizabeth Klinck
  • régisseur
    Elizabeth Klinck
  • participation
    William F. Whitehead
    Hallie Sloan
    Nora Cook
    Farley Mowat
    Harry Fox
    J.G. Larry Robillard
    Michel Gauvin
    Ken Bell
    Jean-Charles Forbes
    Jack Marshall
The Liberators
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