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Bitter Medicine, Part Two: Medicare in Crisis

1983 28 min
Dernière chance

Part two of a 2-part documentary examining Canada's national health insurance system from its conception on the Canadian Prairies in the early part of the 20th century to its present state of crisis. This second part examines national Medicare 20 years after its inception and the bitter struggle among various authorities as they jockey to attain a position of power in a new scheme of things.

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Bitter Medicine, Part Two: Medicare in Crisis


Part two of a 2-part documentary examining Canada's national health insurance system from its conception on the Canadian Prairies in the early part of the 20th century to its present state of crisis. This second part examines national Medicare 20 years after its inception and the bitter struggle among various authorities as they jockey to attain a position of power in a new scheme of things.
  • réalisateur
    Tom Shandel
  • scénario
    Tom Shandel
  • producteur
    George Johnson
    Tom Shandel
  • producteur exécutif
    John Taylor
  • producteur associé
    Penny Gurstein
  • photographie
    Brian Hosking
    Andy Ormsby
    Kirk Tougas
  • son
    Gerry King
    Mike Oldfield
    Norm Rosen
    Wolf Ruck
    John Uhthoff
  • montage
    Barbara Evans
  • ré-enregistrement
    Paul Sharpe
  • narrateur
    Ann Petrie
  • musique
    Jean Piché

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Bitter Medicine, Part Two: Medicare in Crisis
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