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2003 1 h 14 min
Dernière chance

Viewer Advisory: This film contains scenes of animal slaughter.. This feature documentary tells the story of a young couple’s year-long experiment in raising their own meat. On the abandoned farm property they just bought, they decide that if they’re going to eat meat, they should raise it themselves. Over 4 seasons, they get to know the animals, discover their personalities, treat them with respect and eventually slaughter them. Animals takes us deep into the heart of the animal-human relationship, with all its contradictions.

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Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.


Viewer Advisory: This film contains scenes of animal slaughter..

This feature documentary tells the story of a young couple’s year-long experiment in raising their own meat. On the abandoned farm property they just bought, they decide that if they’re going to eat meat, they should raise it themselves. Over 4 seasons, they get to know the animals, discover their personalities, treat them with respect and eventually slaughter them. Animals takes us deep into the heart of the animal-human relationship, with all its contradictions.
Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Jason Young
  • écriture
    Jason Young
  • producteur
    Kent Martin
    Jason Young
  • cinématographie
    Jay Ferguson
  • monteur
    Lawrence Jackman
  • son
    Arthur McKay
  • régisseur
    Julia Young
  • assistance à la caméra
    Becky Parsons
    Gareth Roberts
    Jason Buxton
    Chris Saunderson
    Kyle Cameron
    Albert Hennen
  • superviseur de production
    Patricia Coughran
  • None
    John Holmes
    Jason Unrau
    Jason Young
  • éclairages
    John Holmes
  • opérateur de dolly
    Chris Baxter
    Brian Adams
  • musique
    Allen Cole
  • musicien
    Rebecca Van der Post
    Anna Redekop
    Meran Currie-Roberts
    Peter Pavlovsky
  • banjo
    Darren Arsenault
  • recherche
    Jason Young
  • participant
    Bill Young
    Harrison Kendall
    Ann-Marie Meister
    Henk Gerrits
    Patrick Foote
    Dana Power
    Paul Thibodeau
    Billy Reid
    Glen Ells
    Barb Young
    John Holmes
    Jacqueline Melanson
    Jamie Foote
    Susan Foote
    Michele Robar
    Harvey Hanna
    Joe Atwell
    John Hutten
    Gordon Benjamin
  • titres
    NFB Visual Effects Services
  • assistant de production
    Jacqueline Melanson
    Ann-Marie Meister
    Barb Young
    Shirley Foote
    Melynda Bezanson
    Justin Davey
  • en-ligne
    Sylvain Desbiens
  • montage son
    Alex Salter
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • coordonnateur technique
    Patricia Coughran
    Claude Cardinal
  • commis de studio
    Stephanie Coolen
    Vanessa Larsen
  • administrateur de programme
    John William Lutz

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