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1969 1 h 27 min
Dernière chance

Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Robin Spry, Prologue was the first Canadian film to screen at the Venice Film Festival. Set and filmed during the sixties, this fiction feature tells the story of a young Montrealer who edits an underground newspaper with help from his female friend and a draft dodger from the United States. Two rival philosophies of dissenting youth become evident in the choices they make: militant protest vs. communal retreat. The film includes some seminal archival footage of a speech by legendary anti-war activist Abbie Hoffman and bloody rioting during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

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Cette œuvre contient des scènes de violence. Pour public averti.


Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Robin Spry, Prologue was the first Canadian film to screen at the Venice Film Festival. Set and filmed during the sixties, this fiction feature tells the story of a young Montrealer who edits an underground newspaper with help from his female friend and a draft dodger from the United States. Two rival philosophies of dissenting youth become evident in the choices they make: militant protest vs. communal retreat. The film includes some seminal archival footage of a speech by legendary anti-war activist Abbie Hoffman and bloody rioting during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

Cette œuvre contient des scènes de violence. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Robin Spry
  • producteur
    Robin Spry
    Tom Daly
  • scénario
    Sherwood Forest
  • photographie
    Douglas Kiefer
  • son
    Russ Heise
  • montage
    Christopher Cordeaux
  • montage sonore
    Bernard Bordeleau
    Christopher Cordeaux
  • ré-enregistrement
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
  • musique
    Bill Brooks
    Michael Malus
    The Ventures
  • interprète
    Christopher Cordeaux
    Peter Cullen
    Frank Edwards
    Henry Gamer
    Robert Girolami
    Victor Knight
    Elaine Malus
    Gary Rader
    John Robb
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