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Charles and François

1988 15 min
Dernière chance

A touching story of the friendship between a grandfather and his grandson, this is a film about aging and death. Award-winning animator Co Hoedeman combines 3-D and cut-out animation techniques to create a very dramatic and moving film. The story follows Charles and François through the different stages of their lives. With time, they become closer, common experiences having diminished the difference in age. By the end of the film, time appears to stand still; both are over one hundred years old and they are almost indistinguishable.

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Charles and François


A touching story of the friendship between a grandfather and his grandson, this is a film about aging and death. Award-winning animator Co Hoedeman combines 3-D and cut-out animation techniques to create a very dramatic and moving film. The story follows Charles and François through the different stages of their lives. With time, they become closer, common experiences having diminished the difference in age. By the end of the film, time appears to stand still; both are over one hundred years old and they are almost indistinguishable.
  • réalisateur
    Co Hoedeman
  • producteur
    Yves Leduc
  • producteur exécutif
    Robert Forget
  • scénario
    Jean Charlebois
  • son
    Louis Hone
  • montage
    Werner Nold
  • montage sonore
    Michel Motard
  • ré-enregistrement
    Hans Peter Strobl
    Adrian Croll
  • animation
    Stefan Anastasiu
  • voix
    Howard Ryshpan
    Michael Sheppard
    Len Watt
    Kim Yaroshevskaya
    Linda Sorgini
    Sandi Stahlbrand
  • musique
    François Dompierre

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Âge 12 à 16 ans
Sujets scolaires
Un grand-papa et son petit-fils vieillissent ensemble, jusqu’à ce que l’énorme différence qui les sépare ne soit plus apparente. Invitez les élèves à discuter du phénomène du vieillissement. Comment nos proches parents nous renvoient-ils le reflet de notre vie? François part vivre sa propre vie, puis revient. En quoi ses expériences le rapprochent-elles de son grand-père? Charles souhaite mourir. Quel est le point de vue de François à ce sujet?
Charles and François
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