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2001 1 h 19 min
Dernière chance

In this feature documentary, filmmaker Paul Cowan offers an innovative, moving account of the Westray coal mine disaster that killed 26 men in Nova Scotia on May 9, 1992. The film focuses on the lives of three widows and three miners lucky enough not to be underground that day when the methane and coal dust ignited. But their lives were torn apart by the events. Meet some of the working men, who felt they had no option but to stay on at Westray. And wives, who heard the rumours, saw their men sometimes bloodied from accidents and stood by them, …

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In this feature documentary, filmmaker Paul Cowan offers an innovative, moving account of the Westray coal mine disaster that killed 26 men in Nova Scotia on May 9, 1992. The film focuses on the lives of three widows and three miners lucky enough not to be underground that day when the methane and coal dust ignited. But their lives were torn apart by the events.

Meet some of the working men, who felt they had no option but to stay on at Westray. And wives, who heard the rumours, saw their men sometimes bloodied from accidents and stood by them, hoping it would all turn out all right. This is a film about working people everywhere whose lives are often entrusted to companies that violate the most fundamental rules of safety and decency in the name of profit.
  • participant
    Harriet Munroe
    Vicki Drolet
    Wayne Cheverie
    Bernadette Feltmate
    Fraser Agnew
    Carl Guptill
  • réalisateur
    Paul Cowan
  • écriture
    Paul Cowan
  • photographe
    Paul Cowan
  • producteur
    Kent Martin
  • monteur
    Hannele Halm
  • gérant de production
    Patricia Coughran
  • régisseur
    Connie Littlefield
  • son
    Jane Porter
  • prise de son additionnelle
    Arthur McKay
    Wayne Cormier
  • assistance à la caméra
    Kyle Cameron
  • narrateur
    Michael Jones
    Katie Malloch
  • None
    Robert M. Lepage
  • musicien de studio
    Stéphane Allard
    Claude Castonguay
    Robert M. Lepage
    René Lussier
    Éric Auclair
    Claude Lavergne
    Eric Longsworth
  • conseiller à la production
    Dean Jobb
  • direction artistique
    Alex Busby
  • assistant de production
    Iain MacLeod
    Paul Mitcheltree
    Gillian Matheson
  • photographie additionnelle
    Kyle Cameron
    Mike Mahoney
  • construction des décors
    Scott MacFarlane
  • recherche
    Paul Cowan
  • ressource repérage
    Margo Mosher
  • coordonnateur technique
    Patricia Coughran
    Claude Cardinal
  • montage son
    Alex Salter
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
    Shelley Craig
  • titres
    NFB Visual Effects Services
  • commis de studio
    Stephanie Coolen
    Vanessa Larsen
  • administrateur de programme
    John William Lutz
  • producteur exécutif
    Sally Bochner

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