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VTR St-Jacques

1969 26 min
Dernière chance

This short film was an experiment in using video recordings and closed circuit television to stimulate social action in a poor Montreal neighbourhood. A citizen's committee filmed people's concerns and then played back the tapes for the community. Upon recognizing their common problems, people began to talk about joint solutions. It proved an important and effective method of promoting social change.

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VTR St-Jacques


This short film was an experiment in using video recordings and closed circuit television to stimulate social action in a poor Montreal neighbourhood. A citizen's committee filmed people's concerns and then played back the tapes for the community. Upon recognizing their common problems, people began to talk about joint solutions. It proved an important and effective method of promoting social change.
  • réalisateur
    Bonnie Sherr Klein
  • producteur
    George C. Stoney
  • caméra
    Réo Grégoire
    Roger Rochat
  • son
    Richard Besse
  • montage
    Ulla Ryghe

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VTR St-Jacques
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