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"There Are Others Worse Off than Us ...."

1972 57 min
Dernière chance

This is a look at the daily life of a young couple. Both wife and husband suffer from cerebral palsy. Although every movement is made with effort, and every day is a struggle, they choose, instead of dependence on others, to marry, to have a child and to derive strength and courage from each other. By showing their problems, their needs and their hopes, this film reaches out for greater public understanding and acceptance of the physically disabled in our midst.

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"There Are Others Worse Off than Us ...."


This is a look at the daily life of a young couple. Both wife and husband suffer from cerebral palsy. Although every movement is made with effort, and every day is a struggle, they choose, instead of dependence on others, to marry, to have a child and to derive strength and courage from each other. By showing their problems, their needs and their hopes, this film reaches out for greater public understanding and acceptance of the physically disabled in our midst.
  • réalisateur
    Yves Dion
  • montage
    Yves Dion
  • producteur
    Normand Cloutier
  • caméra
    Roger Rochat
  • son
    John Yanick

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