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Struggle for Control: Child and Youth Behaviour Disorders

2005 57 min
Dernière chance

Struggle for Control: Child and Youth Behaviour Disorders is the fourth in a series of documentaries focusing on mental health issues facing BC's children and youth. Following the stories of four BC youth, this documentary sheds light on the causes, symptoms, community resources, and treatments of three of the most commonly-diagnosed behaviour disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder. Through these moving personal stories, viewers see how behaviour disorders affect the life of a child at home, at school, and the whole family. Struggle for Control debunks the myth that children with behaviour disorders are bad …

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Struggle for Control: Child and Youth Behaviour Disorders


Struggle for Control: Child and Youth Behaviour Disorders is the fourth in a series of documentaries focusing on mental health issues facing BC's children and youth. Following the stories of four BC youth, this documentary sheds light on the causes, symptoms, community resources, and treatments of three of the most commonly-diagnosed behaviour disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder.

Through these moving personal stories, viewers see how behaviour disorders affect the life of a child at home, at school, and the whole family. Struggle for Control debunks the myth that children with behaviour disorders are bad kids whose behaviour is irreversible. Behaviour disorders are treatable, and the key is early detection and early intervention.

  • producteur
    Sharon Bartlett
    Maria LeRose
  • réalisateur
    Melanie Wood
  • écriture
    Melanie Wood
    Helen Slinger
  • narrateur
    Maria LeRose
  • recherchiste
    Shannon Lowry
  • caméra
    Max Lindenthaler
    John Dowell
  • son
    Steve Wonsiak
    Lez Morrison
    George Colmer
    Keith Henderson
    Jeff Henschel
  • monteur
    Tim Wanlin
  • monteur en ligne
    Brice Dowd
  • musique originale
    Lesley Sutherland
    Fresh Air Studios
  • graphiques
    Tim Johnson
  • None
    Marc Benoit
    Charlotte Waddell
    Margaret Weiss
    Don Duncan
    Marlene Moretti
    Lee Cohene
    Jayne Barker
  • régie de plateau
    Jennifer Moore
  • responsable de la programmation
    Michele Paris
  • directeur de la programmation
    Sarah MacDonald
Struggle for Control: Child and Youth Behaviour Disorders
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