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Places Not Our Own

1986 57 min
Dernière chance

Part of the Daughters of the Country series, this dramatic film set in 1929 depicts how Canada's West, home to generations of Métis, was taken over by the railroads and new settlers. As a result, the Métis became a forgotten people, forced to eke out a living as best they could. At the forefront is Rose, a woman determined to provide her children with a normal life and an education despite the odds. But due to their harsh circumstances, a devastating and traumatic event transpires instead.

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Places Not Our Own


Part of the Daughters of the Country series, this dramatic film set in 1929 depicts how Canada's West, home to generations of Métis, was taken over by the railroads and new settlers. As a result, the Métis became a forgotten people, forced to eke out a living as best they could. At the forefront is Rose, a woman determined to provide her children with a normal life and an education despite the odds. But due to their harsh circumstances, a devastating and traumatic event transpires instead.
  • réalisateur
    Derek Mazur
  • producteur
    Norma Bailey
  • producteur exécutif
    Ches Yetman
  • scénario
    Sandra Birdsell
  • photographie
    Ian Elkin
  • son
    Leon Johnson
  • montage
    Lara Mazur
  • montage sonore
    Ken Rodeck
  • ré-enregistrement
    Clive Perry
  • musique
    Randolph Peters
  • interprète
    William Ballantyne
    Kate Berry
    Diane Debassige
    Michael Fletcher
    Damon Fontaine
    Eli Goldstein
    Kirk Grayson
    Steve Isfeld
    Tantoo Cardinal
    Dale Willier
    Vera Martin

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