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My Healing Journey: Seven Years with Cancer

1999 46 min
Dernière chance

This documentary is about Edmonton filmmaker Joe Viszmeg and his battle with cancer. In 1991, Viszmeg was diagnosed with adrenal cancer and told he wouldn’t live through the year. Four years later, he made In My Own Time—Diary of a Cancer Patient. In My Healing Journey: Seven Years with Cancer, he tells the story of how he survived the roller coaster of a deadly disease. He died in 1999.

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My Healing Journey: Seven Years with Cancer


This documentary is about Edmonton filmmaker Joe Viszmeg and his battle with cancer. In 1991, Viszmeg was diagnosed with adrenal cancer and told he wouldn’t live through the year. Four years later, he made In My Own Time—Diary of a Cancer Patient. In My Healing Journey: Seven Years with Cancer, he tells the story of how he survived the roller coaster of a deadly disease. He died in 1999.

  • réalisateur
    Joseph Viszmeg
  • commentaire
    Joseph Viszmeg
  • montage
    Joseph Viszmeg
  • narrateur
    Joseph Viszmeg
  • producteur
    Jerry Krepakevich
  • producteur exécutif
    Graydon McCrea
  • cinématographie
    Peter Wunstorf
  • son
    Garrell Clark
    Jamie Kidd
    René Potrebenko
  • montage sonore
    Downy Karvonen
  • mixage sonore
    Paul Sharpe
    Sina Oroomchi
  • musique
    John Millard
My Healing Journey: Seven Years with Cancer
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