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Man Who Chooses the Bush

1975 28 min
Dernière chance

For five or six months at a time, Frank Ladouceur lives alone, trapping muskrat in the vast, desolate wilderness of northern Alberta. His family last visited him there some 14 years ago, and Frank’s own visits to the family home in Fort Chipewyan are few and far between. This is the story of an independent Métis man who is remarkably determined and self-sufficient, and who is ceaselessly called to return to the bush. Early experiences at Holy Angels residential school are recounted by his daughter. A Christmas play at the local school is presented in Cree. After a family Christmas …

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Cette œuvre contient des scènes de violence. Pour public averti.
Man Who Chooses the Bush


For five or six months at a time, Frank Ladouceur lives alone, trapping muskrat in the vast, desolate wilderness of northern Alberta. His family last visited him there some 14 years ago, and Frank’s own visits to the family home in Fort Chipewyan are few and far between. This is the story of an independent Métis man who is remarkably determined and self-sufficient, and who is ceaselessly called to return to the bush. Early experiences at Holy Angels residential school are recounted by his daughter. A Christmas play at the local school is presented in Cree. After a family Christmas meal, the fiddle and guitar are taken out and the Red River Jig begins.

Cette œuvre contient des scènes de violence. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Tom Radford
  • producteur
    Peter Jones
  • photographie
    Tony Westman
  • son
    Richard Patton
  • montage
    Shelah Reljic
  • montage sonore
    Stuart Copley
  • ré-enregistrement
    Barry P. Jones
  • musique
    Frank Ladouceur
    Modeste Ladouceur
    Pete Ladouceur

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