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k.d. lang: songs & silence

2023 5 min
Dernière chance

k.d. lang shares her perspective on preferring silence and listening to making noise as one of the 2023 recipients of the GGPAA for Lifetime Artistic Achievement. A musician, 2SLGBTQI+ activist, daughter and icon, lang transcends categorization. Here, she delves into the essence and significance of musical expression, examining its emotional impact on both the performer and the audience.

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k.d. lang: songs & silence


k.d. lang shares her perspective on preferring silence and listening to making noise as one of the 2023 recipients of the GGPAA for Lifetime Artistic Achievement. A musician, 2SLGBTQI+ activist, daughter and icon, lang transcends categorization. Here, she delves into the essence and significance of musical expression, examining its emotional impact on both the performer and the audience.

  • lauréat
    k.d. Lang
  • écriture
    Laura O'Grady
  • réalisateur
    Laura O'Grady
  • directeur de la photographie
    Michael Sorel
  • preneur de son
    Gary Bruckner
  • premier assistant à la caméra
    Michael Manus
  • titres
    Brock Roberts
    Jump Studios Ltd.
  • montage
    Jordan Bosch
  • montage sonore
    Propeller Sound Studios Inc.
  • mixage son
    Propeller Sound Studios Inc.
  • montage en ligne
    Jeff August
    Jump Studios Ltd.
  • traduction
    T&S Cooperative
  • sous-titrage
    T&S Cooperative
  • None
    Julietta McGovern
  • gestionnaire des opérations du studio
    Devon Supeene
  • administrateur
    Bree Beach
    Darin Clausen
  • coordonnateur principal de production
    Janet Kwan
  • coordonnateur de production
    Aaron Corso
  • superviseur de production
    April Dunsmore
  • coordonnateur technique
    Lyne Lapointe
  • conseiller juridique
    Christian Pitchen
  • producteur exécutif
    David Christensen
  • producteur
    Chehala Leonard
  • producteur associé
    Everett Sokol