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George-Étienne Cartier: The Lion of Québec

1962 27 min
Dernière chance

This short biopic profiles Montreal lawyer-turned-politician George-Étienne Cartier as he campaigns to unite English and French Canada under Confederation. The political world of a century ago comes to life as we hear debates in the Parliament of Upper and Lower Canada amidst political strife and personal feuds. Ultimately, Cartier skilfully allays the fears of party and sectional leaders, convincing them that federal union would protect, rather than weaken, Quebec’s cherished rights of language and religion. The eloquent and enigmatic Cartier was instrumental in shaping the Canada that was soon to emerge.

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George-Étienne Cartier: The Lion of Québec
  • The History Makers
    The History Makers
    1959 - 1964 3 éditions
    From the most intrepid explorers to the fathers of Confederation, this series of 17 half-hour episodes tells the compelling early history of our great country.


This short biopic profiles Montreal lawyer-turned-politician George-Étienne Cartier as he campaigns to unite English and French Canada under Confederation. The political world of a century ago comes to life as we hear debates in the Parliament of Upper and Lower Canada amidst political strife and personal feuds. Ultimately, Cartier skilfully allays the fears of party and sectional leaders, convincing them that federal union would protect, rather than weaken, Quebec’s cherished rights of language and religion. The eloquent and enigmatic Cartier was instrumental in shaping the Canada that was soon to emerge.

  • réalisateur
    John Howe
  • producteur
    Julian Biggs
  • producteur exécutif
    Guy Glover
  • scénario
    Charles Cohen
  • photographie
    Reginald Morris
  • son
    Joseph Champagne
    Ron Alexander
  • montage sonore
    Kathleen Shannon
  • interprète
    Robert Christie
    Paul Hébert
    Roger Marshall
    William Needles
    John Vernon
    Jacques Auger
    Denis Drouin
    Ivor Barry
    Anne Lauriault
    Larry Zahab
    Walter Massey
George-Étienne Cartier: The Lion of Québec
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