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Feux Follets

1966 9 min
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Les Feux Follets (Will-o'-the-Wisps) was founded as an amateur dance group in Montréal. It grew into a professional company. In this film the group performs two dances that demonstrate the dancers' virtuosity: the first, an interpretation by the non-Indigenous troupe of a First Nations dance described as a "Plains betrothal dance"; the second, a more frenetic exhibition of go-go dancing. (Please note that this film was produced in 1966 and reflects the attitudes and thinking of its era. To modern audiences, parts of the film may be perceived as offensive, but it must be seen as a cultural product of …

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Feux Follets


Les Feux Follets (Will-o'-the-Wisps) was founded as an amateur dance group in Montréal. It grew into a professional company. In this film the group performs two dances that demonstrate the dancers' virtuosity: the first, an interpretation by the non-Indigenous troupe of a First Nations dance described as a "Plains betrothal dance"; the second, a more frenetic exhibition of go-go dancing.

(Please note that this film was produced in 1966 and reflects the attitudes and thinking of its era. To modern audiences, parts of the film may be perceived as offensive, but it must be seen as a cultural product of the era in which it was produced. The perspectives of Canadians (and the NFB) have evolved and become more conscious of Indigenous rights, realities and points of view since the making of the film. Through its rich collection of Indigenous-made films, available at Indigenous Cinema , the NFB continues to strive to challenge stereotypes about Indigenous people and accurately depict the diverse experiences of Indigenous communities. )

  • réalisateur
    Jean-Claude Labrecque
  • caméra
    Jean-Claude Labrecque
  • montage
    Jean-Claude Labrecque
  • producteur exécutif
    Jacques Bobet
  • son
    Jacques Drouin
  • montage sonore
    Bernard Bordeleau
  • ré-enregistrement
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
  • musique
    Claude Poirier

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