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1979 11 min
Dernière chance

Winter lasts nine months in Canada's alpine regions, but when spring does arrive in late June, the different alpine zones--the meadow, the treeline, and the tundra--teem with life. From the lichen surviving at the uppermost limits of life to the insects, birds and mammals that populate the beautiful meadows, this film explores the special adaptations and delicate balance established between the plants and animals of this harsh environment.

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Winter lasts nine months in Canada's alpine regions, but when spring does arrive in late June, the different alpine zones--the meadow, the treeline, and the tundra--teem with life. From the lichen surviving at the uppermost limits of life to the insects, birds and mammals that populate the beautiful meadows, this film explores the special adaptations and delicate balance established between the plants and animals of this harsh environment.

  • réalisateur
    Don White
  • scénario
    Don White
  • producteur
    Peter Jones
  • producteur exécutif
    John Taylor
  • cinématographie
    Doug McKay
    Jim Willoughby
  • montage
    Haida Paul
  • montage sonore
    John Knight
  • ré-enregistrement
    Barry P. Jones
  • musique
    Peter Bjerring
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