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1972 10 min
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Horses and horsemanship, filmed with members of the Canadian Equestrian Team and designed to capture the essence of the sport where horse and rider seem to move as one. Here the camera-work, the accompanying music, the vibrant colours of the fall scene, all combine to express the joys of dancing, skimming, leaping across the earth with the freedom of creatures that seem as much carried by the wind as by their own four feet. It is a tribute to the riders who perfect and keep alive the equestrian art of dressage.

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Horses and horsemanship, filmed with members of the Canadian Equestrian Team and designed to capture the essence of the sport where horse and rider seem to move as one. Here the camera-work, the accompanying music, the vibrant colours of the fall scene, all combine to express the joys of dancing, skimming, leaping across the earth with the freedom of creatures that seem as much carried by the wind as by their own four feet. It is a tribute to the riders who perfect and keep alive the equestrian art of dressage.

  • réalisateur
    Susan Huycke
  • montage
    Susan Huycke
  • producteur
    Tom Daly
  • caméra
    Eugene Boyko
  • son
    Claude Delorme
  • montage sonore
    Donald Douglas
  • musique
    Paul Horn
  • ré-enregistrement
    Roger Lamoureux

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